Switch from Individual to Organization Membership

Hi there, How long does it take to make a switch from Apple individual to organization membership? I initiated the process a 2 weeks ago, and I am get to receive another notification from Apple. Keeps showing We’re processing your membership migration from an individual to an organization. And I am unable to submit an application that requires Organization account.

As my AppleCare agent told me, an "undefined" amount of time. I was told these legal entity changes to accounts can take so long, because they are sent to a legal team for review. At some point, you'll receive an email to complete an account transfer agreement. For me personally, for an organization-to-organization transfer, took around 1 month and 1 week before I was able to complete this process.

Either of you find a way to speed this up? I am at 9 days since initiating the process.

I am unable to even distribute my mac app outside of the app store, or develop on my iPhone.

If I knew it would be this bad I would have just signed up for a new account entirely.

Going to try and call first thing on Monday.

This is so frustrating, guys. My account has been on hold for over two months, and I am still waiting for someone to reply. I've called a support number, but they told me they have nothing to do with the department that reviews apps. I haven't been able to release new updates for months, and it's just been a rollercoaster with Apple.

Apple, I would appreciate your urgent assistance if you're reading this. Here is my app:

iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/ng/app/afanotes-focus-balance/id6475352113

Website: https://www.afanotes.com

Unfortunately, this same process with Google took me only two days and was very easy and seamless.

I have been waiting for over three months. I reapplied over a week ago before finding this forum. My app has been able to push updates for over a year and now all of a sudden they won't push them through on my individual account, but they haven't changed me to an organization. Frustrating...

Switch from Individual to Organization Membership