Testflight Store Region Issue - Mac Catalyst

We have an iOS app which is currently available in AppStore. Now we are enabling Mac Catalyst support for the Mac users.

As our app is contains In App purchases and it is working fine in iOS devices. But when we try to purchase subscriptions from Mac Catalyst app using TestFlight, it gives the error “Your account is not valid for use in the U.S. store. You must switch to the Japan store before purchasing.”

Then after we have checked an AppStore region and the region is already Japan.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Hi. We have exactly the same problem. Did you manage to resolve this, or did it just work once the app was released in the Mac Store?

Solution for Mac: Go to App Store > Preferences > Sandbox Account -> Enter sandbox account credentials

Even though you entered sandbox account, real AppStore account also start working with TestFlight.

Testflight Store Region Issue - Mac Catalyst