Can I Use Company Details with an Individual Developer Account for Tax Purposes?

Hey everyone,

I'm based in Europe but I've got a company over in the States. For months now, I've been on a mission to get an organizational Developer account set up for my business, but it's been a no-go. After going back and forth with support a dozen times, I'm almost at the point of throwing in the towel on getting a company account sorted.

But here's the thing—I do have an individual account. So, my question is: can I just run with my individual account and plug in my company's details (like the bank account and EIN)? The main reason I wanted a company account was for tax stuff, but if that's not a must, I'm all for ditching the headache and sticking with my individual account to keep my sanity intact.

Appreciate any insights you guys might have!


Can I Use Company Details with an Individual Developer Account for Tax Purposes?