Business Models

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Discuss various ways to structure your app, such as freemium or paid.

Posts under Business Models tag

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Why is it not possible to provide a free trial for paid apps?
My application uses "paid" monetization model. I think in the productivity category it works quite well. However, when I advertise my application, 50% of the questions are: "is there a free trial?" and I would love to provide a free trial to potential customers, but the App Store doesn't allow me to do that. I don't understand why this feature is not available. I even started considering migration to in-app purchases, but it's quite a big deal. I managed to establish quite a good profit and I'm worried how it would affect my positioning and results. On top of that, I really like the paid up-front model, because it solves many issues and doesn't need any extra implementation on my side. I'm starting this thread to hear what you think about that and how many people are looking for this feature. I also created a feature request in Feedback Assistant: #FB13810170
May ’24
Assistance with Configuring Free Tier and In-App Purchases for Cordova App
Hi, Thanks for getting back to me regarding my query. I'm developing a Cordova app that includes games with an initial free tier and additional tiers available through in-app purchases. Here’s a detailed explanation of what I’m aiming to achieve: Users can play a set of games for free initially (Free Tier). After playing a certain number of games, users can purchase additional game tiers: Tier 1: Adds 3 more games. Tier 2: Adds 6 more games. Tier 3: Adds 9 more games. Users can continue playing the games in any purchased tier indefinitely. If users do not wish to purchase additional tiers, they can continue playing the free tier games with limited themes but without restrictions on play count. Questions: How can I configure App Store Connect to offer the Free Tier initially and then present the in-app purchase options for the additional tiers? Is there a specific configuration in App Store Connect that supports this model, or do I need to handle this logic within the app itself? I appreciate any guidance you can provide on setting this up correctly. Best regards, T
May ’24
in-app purchase with free tier
Hi, I am developing Cordova apps/games with in-app purchase products as well as an initial product as non-paid (Free) tier: New users will be able to play freely for a set of games as default at the beginning. Then, if they would like to have more games with different set of attributes or themes, they can add more games with in-app purchases. It is similar to a game called Subway Surfers in App Store I would play in the past. A new player initiates games as Free Tier. After, let us say 3 games, the user is asked if he/she would like to have more games to play with different scenes/themes in different Tiers, in addition to their disposal: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. For example Tier 1 adds 3 more games into the Free Tier games so they can play 6 games in the set;Tier 2 add 6 more games and so 9 games they can play and so on. Each individual game in their set is a variant of others in differing Tiers. If they don't wish and play Free Tier games, they may play them too, with limited set of themes but infinite times. If a user chooses a tier, let us say Tier 1, and when they play 6 games, they are asked if they would like advance to Tier 2 or Tier 3. If they choose Tier 2, as they complete the respective games they will be asked for Tier 3. However, if they don't wish to advance, again they can play current Tier games as many times as they wish. It is like non-subscription apps then converted to subscription-based ones. In App Store Connect, I created a number of products for in-app purchases for an app. How I can deliver this Free Tier games in the app and let users try it and allow them to choose in-app purchase products available in AppStore Connect. I would appreciate response and support. Best Lexxyacc
May ’24
Thread 1: Breakpoint 1.1
I can't find the problem.. - The simulator is stopping after opening the app... Database`property wrapper backing initializer of ContentViewViewModel.currentUserId: 0x104c12bd0 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x50 0x104c12bd4 <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40] 0x104c12bd8 <+8>: add x29, sp, #0x40 0x104c12bdc <+12>: str x8, [sp, #0x10] 0x104c12be0 <+16>: mov x8, x0 0x104c12be4 <+20>: str x8, [sp, #0x8] 0x104c12be8 <+24>: mov x0, x1 0x104c12bec <+28>: str x0, [sp, #0x18] 0x104c12bf0 <+32>: stur xzr, [x29, #-0x10] 0x104c12bf4 <+36>: stur xzr, [x29, #-0x8] -> 0x104c12bf8 <+40>: stur x8, [x29, #-0x10] 0x104c12bfc <+44>: mov x1, x0 0x104c12c00 <+48>: stur x1, [x29, #-0x8] 0x104c12c04 <+52>: bl 0x1053b9a88 ; symbol stub for: swift_bridgeObjectRetain 0x104c12c08 <+56>: ldr x9, [sp, #0x8] 0x104c12c0c <+60>: ldr x8, [sp, #0x10] 0x104c12c10 <+64>: ldr x1, [sp, #0x18] 0x104c12c14 <+68>: add x0, sp, #0x20 0x104c12c18 <+72>: str x9, [sp, #0x20] 0x104c12c1c <+76>: str x1, [sp, #0x28] 0x104c12c20 <+80>: adrp x1, 2556 0x104c12c24 <+84>: ldr x1, [x1, #0xa00] 0x104c12c28 <+88>: bl 0x104c12c40 ; Combine.Published.init(wrappedValue: Value) -> Combine.Published<Value> at <compiler-generated> 0x104c12c2c <+92>: ldr x0, [sp, #0x18] 0x104c12c30 <+96>: bl 0x1053b91a0 ; symbol stub for: swift_bridgeObjectRelease 0x104c12c34 <+100>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40] 0x104c12c38 <+104>: add sp, sp, #0x50 0x104c12c3c <+108>: ret // // ContentViewViewModel.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import Foundation class ContentViewViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var currentUserId: String = "" private var handler: AuthStateDidChangeListenerHandle? init () { self.handler = Auth.auth().addStateDidChangeListener{ [weak self] _, user in DispatchQueue.main.async { self?.currentUserId = user?.uid ?? "" } } } public var isSignedIn: Bool { return Auth.auth().currentUser != nil } } // // ContentView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import Firebase import FirebaseAuth import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var viewModel = ContentViewViewModel() var body: some View { VStack { NavigationView { if viewModel.isSignedIn, !viewModel.currentUserId.isEmpty { //signed in HomeView() } else { LoginView() } } .padding() } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider{ static var previews: some View { ContentView() } } // // HomeView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import SwiftUI struct HomeView: View { var body: some View { Text("Welcome to your Account!") } } #Preview { HomeView() } // // LoginViewViewModel.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import FirebaseAuth import Foundation class LoginViewViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var email = "" @Published var password = "" @Published var errorMessage = "" init() {} func login() { guard validate() else { return } //Try log in Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) } private func validate() -> Bool { errorMessage = "" guard !email.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty, !password.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty else { errorMessage = "Bitte füllen Sie alle Felder aus." return false } guard email.contains("@") && email.contains(".") else { errorMessage = "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Email-Adresse ein." return false } return true } } // // LoginView.swift // Database // // Created by Maxi on 25.03.24. // import SwiftUI struct LoginView: View { @StateObject var viewModel = LoginViewViewModel() var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { //Header HeaderView() if !viewModel.errorMessage.isEmpty{ Text(viewModel.errorMessage) .foregroundColor( } Form{ TextField("E-Mail Adresse", text: $ .textFieldStyle(DefaultTextFieldStyle()) .autocapitalization(/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/.none/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/) SecureField("Passwort", text: $viewModel.password) .textFieldStyle(DefaultTextFieldStyle()) CreateAccountButton( title: "Anmelden", background: .blue) { viewModel.login() } } //Create ACC VStack { Text ("Neu hier?") //Show registartion NavigationLink ("Erstelle einen Account", destination: RegisterView()) } } } } } struct LoginView_Previews: PreviewProvider{ static var previews: some View { LoginView() } }
Mar ’24
Apple rejected with 5.1.1 collect data
After I submitted our app, it was rejected with reasons: `"Regarding 5.1.1, the following fields or actions are required for registration but do not appear to be directly relevant to your app’s core functionality: Thai National ID Phone number. To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to either remove all required fields that are not relevant to the app or make those fields optional."` I need the two fields above. How can I resolve it? I asked reviewer but they said they cannot help detail feature for us. About phone numbers, our system wants to send SMS to them, change passwords, and send notification. Step: (edit profile -> edit phone number -> verify OTP) to change password you can check it. About Thai National ID, do you think it can be suitable when we use it for KYC, and verify customers? Actually, when the user registers a new account, if we do not approve the account, means KYC is unsuccess, the user will not use any main features (Saving and interest pay invoice). We are using Thai national ID and password to login.
Feb ’24
Guideline 3.2 - Business
We continue to find in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Next Steps To resolve this issue, review the other distribution options available for apps designed for specific businesses or organizations and choose a distribution option that works for your app and users. You can review these I am not able to resolve the above issue kindly help.
Jan ’24
Apple App Publish - Distribution Method Issue
Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Next Steps To resolve this issue, review the other distribution options available for apps designed for specific businesses or organizations and choose a distribution option that works for your app and users. You can review these app distribution options on Apple Developer. How to resolve this issue - when my App's Business Model is - Business - to - Business Model and my app doesn't involve Registration Technique. If somebody has any information on this issue, Please Guide us.
Dec ’23
How to bundle Freemium Apps?
I have 5 apps in the store that I want to bundle in the Apple Store: 2 are paid -> I could easily bundle them 2 are freemium, i.e. basic version is free, upgrade with in-app purchase 1 is free I wanted to bundle the two freemium apps with a retail price of USD 0.00, but it seems that only subscriptions can be bundled. Am I doing something wrong? What is the best practice for bundles in general and for bundles with different sales models? Thanks for your help and support!
Nov ’23
Need a clarification
I currently have four apps available for the general public on the App Store. However, our company is now looking to publish applications specifically for our employees. To achieve this, we need to create a new Business Manager account with Apple. Alternatively, if we already have an enterprise account, we would like to confirm whether the Business Manager feature is available within the same account.
Nov ’23
Can I Use Company Details with an Individual Developer Account for Tax Purposes?
Hey everyone, I'm based in Europe but I've got a company over in the States. For months now, I've been on a mission to get an organizational Developer account set up for my business, but it's been a no-go. After going back and forth with support a dozen times, I'm almost at the point of throwing in the towel on getting a company account sorted. But here's the thing—I do have an individual account. So, my question is: can I just run with my individual account and plug in my company's details (like the bank account and EIN)? The main reason I wanted a company account was for tax stuff, but if that's not a must, I'm all for ditching the headache and sticking with my individual account to keep my sanity intact. Appreciate any insights you guys might have! Cheers!
Nov ’23
Do not activate apple developer programm
Good afternoon, I think I've already read about this on the forum, but I'll write about our situation. We have not been able to pay for the developer account for 2 weeks, we have confirmed all the company's data and everything necessary, but apple does not want to debit money from the card and does not recognize the error on its side, tell me who somehow solved this problem? Israel region - I read that many people have problems in different regions I place an order and a message comes that I have to wait two days, but nothing happens... Apple please help solve the problem!
Nov ’23
App refused because of Apple Store Review Guidelines - #BusinessUnacceptable
"In regards to the 3.2.2 issue, we find that your app pays users in order to accomplish digital tasks, which is not appropriate for the App Store." Hey there, I have received this message from apple on my app review. It seems there is a misunderstand because I've read again and again the Apple Store Review Guidelines. Maybe I don't understand it clearly, maybe they have bad ideas on my business model. So I've tried ti explain step by step, even in my native language (french). I acted to help understand it. Unfortunately, my app is still refused. Then I was asking them to show me using screenshots or maybe video of my app that can prove it. I want to explain it to you, maybe you will help figure out their point. First to all, it's a social network. All users there are considered as content creators. So they can post their contents for free and it is still available for free until they delete it. You can comment it and like. But downloading and sharing it are not free tasks. You can share it as status or by message or download these content. After sharing or downloading it (which is not an obligation), the amount paid is transferred to content author. The amount earned can be converted to real money by content author. That's all what we do. Is there anything related to Apple Store Review Guidelines 3.2.2 ? If yes, please, explain it to me.
Oct ’23
App Submission - rejected 3.2 Business Model issues
Hi, I like to get some opinion as I am confused with reason for rejection. App, my team has developed will be used by auditors to do Audits by our company auditors and other companies auditors as well. Even though it sounds like a specific people, we wont know the exact team / people who can use my app as it can be distributed to lots of people in lots of countries. So this needs to be public and accessable via app store (its a requirement from client) My app submission is rejected 3 times for same reason - 3.2 Business model issues Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Any guidence why its getting rejected will be very helpful. Thanks K
Oct ’23
Submission policies for B2B subscription based app (free download, charged outside)
Hello! Question related to app store submission. If you have a B2B app that allows free downloads from the app store and charges the client outside of the app, what Apple policies/ restrictions should you adhere to? If anyone else does this, did you list your app as a "Reader" app in this case? TIA!
Oct ’23