Verifying "iOS 17.0.simruntime" developer cannot be verified

Hey guys Ive been having this awful error “iOS 17.0.simruntime” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. I can only click eject disk image, cancel, none of them solve this.

What can I do to fix this? how is this Apple package not detected as verified developer?

Note that this happened when I opened the iphone simulator, not that I installed or download anything.

My setup: Macbook pro M1 Sonoma 14.1.1 Version 15.1 beta (15C5042i)

I used the simulator without an issue a couple days before this started happening, thank you in advance.

I'm getting the same behavior after I've updated my MacBook Pro M2 to Sonoma 14.1.1.

The same behavior has been present in my Mac mini M2 since at least November 8, 2023 (was running Xcode 15.0.1). It persists after updating to macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 and Xcode 15.1. The behavior comes up when I start running Xcode (immediately reports "non-responsive"). When I finally manage to go beyond macOS's request to eject the disk image manually because it can't be ejected, Xcode and its Simulator work fine. It would be good to find out what is going on!

I too have this annoying alert popping up every time I update my Mac running Sonoma. Just installed 14.3 and saw it again. Like another poster mentioned, this has been happening since late 2023. I am pretty sure it does it every time the system reboots from a macOS update.

Verifying "iOS 17.0.simruntime" developer cannot be verified