Can't upload a build to App Store Connect | Xcode keeps creating an expired WDRC certificate

I can't upload a build via Xcode Organizer on Sonoma with Xcode 15.0.1. When I try to upload the build to App Store Connect via Xcode Organizer I get an error message: "App Store Connect access for ... is required. Add an account in Accounts settings." + "No App Store Connect access for the team". For info, I use my Apple ID as admin.

I've tried several reboots (device and Xcode), in addition to many sign in/out from the account manager. All my certificates are created. No success.

But I've found a strange issue with the WDRC (Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority) certificate that may explain this error message (probably generic).

I've create a dummy iOS project, and every time Xcode is managing the signing process (Automatic), an expired WDRC certificate is generated in Keychain. I can delete the certificate (Certificate Tab) but Xcode keep generating the file every time I open the project.

The certificate sits next to the valid WDRC certificate. I've cleared all the provision profiles, and those in App Store Connect but Xcode keeps creating this expired certificate. I guess it's related to the "App Store Connect access" issue.

I have several apps on the App Store, this is the first time I get blocked with such issue. I need help.

I've also tried uploading the build with Transporter and ... no success.

  1. Xcode Archive and export IPA (Distribute App) => working (with all the certificates and profiles checked)
  2. The IPA is exported on the disk
  3. Add the IPA in Transporter
  4. BUT Transporter contacts App Store Connect and gives the following issue:

The App Bundle ID <com.***.NameApp> does not exist yet. Go to <a href=...>App Store Connect</a> to add a new App. (6)

This is already done! The bundle ID in the App (App Store Connect) is: XC com *** NameApp - com.***.NameApp

So I'm more than lost here! The profiles are successfully created by Xcode without an error, and the IPA created after all the checks with the App Store Connect. I've already sent a mail to the support as well.

I've also tried uploading the build with Transporter

Cool. That’s exactly what I was about to suggest.

and ... no success.

Bummer. However, this is still a useful result because it shows that Xcode is working fine and that issue is specific to the App Store Connect upload side of things.

I've already sent a mail to the support as well.

I think that’s the best path forward here.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Bummer. However, this is still a useful result because it shows that Xcode is working fine and that issue is specific to the App Store Connect upload side of things.

Does that mean we shouldn’t worry too much about double certificates (expired and valid) ? See here

I think that’s the best path forward here

Yes I sent it to your mail :) and I've also filled a TSI

Does that mean we shouldn’t worry too much about double certificates (expired and valid)?

My understanding is that it’s fine to have expired intermediates installed. The system will just ignore them. That was also my experience based on my limited investigation on that thread you referenced. I never did get to the bottom of why the expired intermediate was causing problems for the OP on that thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""


  1. The expired WDRC certificate is no more created by Xcode Beta 3 (Issue with previous versions of Xcode)
  2. "No App Store Connect access for the team" problem still remains, no solution!

The error provided by Xcode Organizer is too generic, so I run the following command to get a bit more:

xcrun altool --list-providers --verbose -u …

The web service request post is Ok but the web service response is not:

•	Non-localized server string received “Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1611)”
•	Bad status code: <MZWebServiceDAWTokenForUsernameAndPassword: …>
•	Error: Failed to list providers. Failed to get authorization for username ‘… and password. =>The auth server returned a bad status code (-1011)

Apple service status is all green, what is general error (1611) @eskimo ?


  1. To better understand the previous error message from altool, I've tested with an invalid password and I got:
Your account information was entered incorrectly. (-20101)
  1. Great! I generated an app specific password (instead of the regular one), and then the command succeeds!
  2. Finally I uploaded my IPA with altool (--upload-app) and it succeeds as well! (generated with Xcode | see previous reply)


Back to Xcode and Transporter: "No App Store Connect access for the team" problem still remains

I tried entering an app specific password with no chance! I have to use the regular one.

So there is definitely something odd with the two authentication factors under the hood ?

My TSI has been canceled and I received a list of suggestions regarding mainly signing issues, I've already replied and waiting for more info. I was already able to generate a valid IPA, signed and checked by Apple. So the issue is probably not on the signing but on the authentication in Xcode and Transporter.

Feedback created FB13449680 "Xcode Can't upload a build to App Store Connect, No App Store Connect access for the team"

Yeah, I’m at a loss as to what’s going on here. Filing a bug is a good path forward, so thanks for FB13449680.

As to a workaround, you wrote:

Finally I uploaded my IPA with altool (--upload-app) and it succeeds as well!

So that’s unblocked your development, right?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Yeah, I’m at a loss as to what’s going on here

App Store Connect connection problems from Xcode are mentioned in many places, in different forms regarding the Xcode version (the message is different). Usually a reboot is enough..., but it's not the case here.

For info, Transporter app is also wrong with the failed message, I tested after uploading my IPA with altool. Transporter keeps mentioning a missing bundle id, but the app is there with the requested bundle id. I've tried to increase the build, no chance.

So that’s unblocked your development, right?

Yes I figured out a temporary solution, I hope to get a reply in "feedback assistant" very soon and a fix to upload my builds from Xcode to App Store Connect as I always did.

Can't upload a build to App Store Connect | Xcode keeps creating an expired WDRC certificate