[Corebluetooth] willRestoreState not called on iPhone 17 pro max

When I ran the same code with the same Bluetooth device

On iPhone 15 promax Corebluetooth CentralManager's willRestoreState delegate method is not called.

iPhone 15 promax: iOS 17.1.1 iPhone 12 promax : iOS 17.0.3

I tested on both devices and it works fine on 12.

Note: CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey is of course specified.

willRestoreState will only be called when your app is relaunched from a terminated state due to some CoreBluetooth activity - not when it is just suspended. How are you making certain that the app is terminated (except for swiping it off, which will then cause the app to not be launched automatically again)

[Corebluetooth] willRestoreState not called on iPhone 17 pro max