Memory management issue while Call Obj-C in Swift

I'm currently developing a native plugin for a Capcitor app. I have very little experience with native iOS development, Swift and Obj-C.

I use a framework (FunSDK) which is written in C++.

I call this in an Objective-C++ wrapper.

As described here:

The wrapper is then available in Swift via the bridging header.

This works so far, I can call the functions from the framework and they are executed correctly.

However, the functions of the framework are executed asynchronously. When a result is obtained, the “OnFunSDKResult” method is always executed.

During this step I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error while debugging. Then I ticked “Zombie objects” under the diagnostics settings. This causes execution to stop with an EXC_BREAKPOINT.

As I understand it, after executing the iniXMSDK method, the FunSDKWrapper class is cleared from memory before executing the "OnFunSDKResult" method?

I have also already integrated a completionHandler, which is only called in the "OnFunSDKResult" method so that data is transferred to the Swift class. However, that doesn't help either.

I have no idea how to proceed.

I hope somebody can help me.

If you need any more information, I would be happy to provide it.



//  FunSDKWrapper.m

//  App


//  Created by Sysprobs on 12/8/23.


#import "FunSDKWrapper.h"

#import "FunSDK/FunSDK.h"

#import <XMNetInterface/Reachability.h>

@implementation FunSDKWrapper

-(NSString *)iniXMSDK:(int)test completion:(void (^)(int result))completionHandler{


    self.initCompletionHandler = completionHandler;


    self.msgHandle = FUN_RegWnd((__bridge void *)self);



    Fun_LogInit(self.msgHandle, "", 0, "", LOG_UI_MSG);

    FUN_XMCloundPlatformInit("***", "***", "***", 1);



    FUN_SetFunStrAttr(EFUN_ATTR_SAVE_LOGIN_USER_INFO,SZSTR([self GetDocumentPathWith:@"UserInfo.db"]));


    FUN_SetFunStrAttr(EFUN_ATTR_USER_PWD_DB, SZSTR([self GetDocumentPathWith:@"password.txt"]));


    FUN_SetFunStrAttr(EFUN_ATTR_UPDATE_FILE_PATH,SZSTR([self GetDocumentPathWith:@""]));

    FUN_SetFunStrAttr(EFUN_ATTR_TEMP_FILES_PATH,SZSTR([self GetDocumentPathWith:@""]));




    FUN_SetFunStrAttr(EFUN_ATTR_CONFIG_PATH,SZSTR([self GetDocumentPathWith:@"APPConfigs"]));




    FUN_SetFunIntAttr(EFUN_ATTR_SET_NET_TYPE, [self getNetworkType]);


    FUN_SysInit(";;", 15010);


    FUN_SysGetDevList(self.msgHandle, SZSTR(@"xxxx") , SZSTR(@"xxxx"),0);


    return @"test";


- (void)searchLanDevices {

     FUN_DevSearchDevice(self.msgHandle, 4000, 0);


// NSDocument/fileName

- (NSString *)GetDocumentPathWith:(NSString *) fileName {

    NSString* path = [self documentsPath];

    if (fileName != nil) {

        path = [path stringByAppendingString:@"/"];

        path = [path stringByAppendingString:fileName];


    return path;



- (NSString *)documentsPath {

    NSArray *pathArray = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);

    NSString *path = [pathArray lastObject];

    return path;


-(int)getNetworkType {

    Reachability*reach=[Reachability reachabilityWithHostName:@""];



    switch([reach currentReachabilityStatus]){


        case ReachableViaWiFi:

            return 1;


        case ReachableViaWWAN:

            return 2;



            return 0;




- (void)OnFunSDKResult:(NSNumber *) pParam {

    NSInteger nAddr = [pParam integerValue];

    MsgContent *msg = (MsgContent *)nAddr;

    switch (msg->id) {



            if (msg->param1 < 0){


                NSLog(@"Fehler beim XMCloud login");



                char devJson[750*500];

                FUN_GetFunStrAttr(EFUN_ATTR_GET_USER_ACCOUNT_DATA_INFO, devJson, 750*500);

                NSLog(@"Geraeteliste: = %s",devJson);







The Swift Class

import Foundation

import Capacitor


 * Please read the Capacitor iOS Plugin Development Guide

 * here:



public class xmsdkPlugin: CAPPlugin {

    private let implementation = xmsdk()

    @objc func echo(_ call: CAPPluginCall) {

        let value = call.getString("value") ?? ""


            "value": implementation.echo(value)




    @objc func initXMSDK(_ call: CAPPluginCall) {

        //let devId = call.getString("devId") ?? ""



        let wrapper = FunSDKWrapper();

        let resp = wrapper.iniXMSDK(1, completion: {(result) -> Void in

            NSLog("Completion von iniXMSDK")




            "status": resp





Errorlog with EXC_BREAKPOINT:

-OnFunSDKResult: is an Objective-C method. Who is actually calling that? It can’t be the FunSDK itself because that’s in C++. And I don’t see any other references to it in the code that you posted.

Also, when you stop at that trap, what does the backtrace look like? To get a text backtrace, which is much more useful that a screen shot, enter backtrace into the debugger prompt.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Memory management issue while Call Obj-C in Swift