Link family sharing transactions?

I found this 3-year old thread but at that time, linking transactions was not supported:

Essentially, I want to be able to get information about the transaction made by the purchaser but with a transaction that has ownershipType set to familyShared.

Is this possible at the moment?

Do you mean are you able to link the purchaser in a family to their family members? -> no currently supported. If this is desired, can you share more detail to the use case and justification? Would to share this with our product teams.

Here's our use case: instead of a non-consumable IAP (NCIAP), we went with a non-Renewing Subscription (NRS), which doesn't support Family Sharing for some odd reason? Is this by feature, by the way or just an omission?

So in order to "fix" this, we created a free NCIAP, available only to users that purchased the NRS so that they can "upgrade" for free and share their purchase with their family.

The issue we have is that the purchaser could potentially get a refund for the NRS. In such case, we can detect that refund and invalidate the free NCIAP on the purchaser devices but not for those who share the purchase.

As far as I know, there's no way to link the NCIAP with the purchaser in order to validate the transaction ID and invalidate it in case of a refund.

Or, is there some other workaround to achieve this?


Link family sharing transactions?