appstore does not block illegal applications ?

I used to work for this company. They use an app I made (my app is legal). But they add an API switch feature to control the availability of the illegal content in the app. The accepted content is only a facade maintained until the app becomes available to users. Once it makes it to the store, the real content is loaded in a WebView. The real content is then delivered from a specific URL in a WebView. Only a valid IP address ( from Vietnam) used to query would cause the illegal content to load. Otherwise, the app continues with its store-approved functionality on both iOS and Android. My colleague tried to report this app to the authorities and apple but he received death threats. Now I have escaped that company (we are locked in an apartment) and I have tried to report this app many times to the appstore review team. They replied that they would look into it but strangely nothing happened

This application : You guys can open it with IP address from Vietnam and it will be changed to gambling app with real money prize

appstore does not block illegal applications ?