Breakpoints do not work on simulators with iOS version 15.5

Breakpoints do not work on simulators with iOS version 15.5, but they work on simulators with iOS version 17.0.1

It seems to work here. xcode 15.0.1 m1 max MacBook Pro Ventura 13.6.2

I have Xcode 15.1 MacOs Sonoma 14.2 MacBook Pro M1

I'm seeing the same behavior. Xcode 15.1, simulator 16.2 breakpoints not working. Works fine with simulator 17+.

Same with Xcode 15.1 MacOs Sonoma 14.2 on MBP M2. Sort of mitigates development for the older codebase...

Can confirm breakpoints do not work in Xcode 15.1 and 15.2 with older iOS Simulator connected, we tested mainly with 15.2. Opened a feedback for this: FB13529134.

Breakpoints do not work on simulators with iOS version 15.5