How to edit local package referenced from package in XCode?


I am working on two Swift packages, let's call them Applied and Base. Package Applied has dependency on a package Base. Both are stored on Github and the package Applied has dependecy specified as:

.package(url: "", branch: "main"),

When I work from command-line, I mark the Base package in the Applied package directory for edditing with:

swift package edit --path ../Base Base

This works as expected from the command-line.


XCode seems to be ignoring packages in edit mode.

The article Organizing your code with local packages seems not to be applicable in this case, as it assumes that the Applied package is a XCode project or a workspace, which is not - it is just another plain Swift package. Both projects are plain Swift packages.

What is the way to make XCode use the local package in edit mode when none of the packages is XCode Project/Workspace – they are just plain Swift packages?

(using XCode beta 15.2)

How to edit local package referenced from package in XCode?