Offer Code Redemption Report (App Store Connect API)

I'm using the App Store Connect API to fetch sales and trends reports. Fetching the "SUBSCRIPTION" report works well and it does include recent offer code redemptions.

The dashboard in App Store Connect also confirms that there was a recent offer code redemption.

However, when requesting the Offer Code Redemption Report ("SUBSCRIPTION_OFFER_CODE_REDEMPTION") through the App Store Connenct API using the request shown below I always get a "404 Not Found" error with the message "There were no sales for the date specified." (see below) even though the other sources confirm there were sales for the date specified.

So, for some reason the Offer Code Redemption Report API does not seem to work.

Did anybody make this work? Any idea to fetch the offer code redemption report through the API?

API REQUEST:[frequency]=DAILY&filter[reportDate]={DATE}&filter[reportSubType]=SUMMARY&filter[reportType]=SUBSCRIPTION_OFFER_CODE_REDEMPTION&filter[vendorNumber]={VENDOR_NUMBER}&filter[version]=1_0


{ "errors" : [ {
  "id" : "586b3f95-3eb8-4249-8df6-06bd8dea001a", 
  "status" : "404", 
  "code" : "NOT_FOUND", 
  "title" : "The request expected results but none were found", 
  "detail" : "There were no sales for the date specified." } 
] }
Offer Code Redemption Report (App Store Connect API)