How to apply a different texture to the Rear face of the material in Reality Composer Pro?

I would like to apply different textures to the front and back faces of a 3D material. Specifically, when applying a texture that cuts the object in half through opacity, I want to be able to observe the back face of the object and apply a different color to it compared to the front face.

In Unity, there is a 'isFrontFace' boolean node that allows for applying different colours to the front and rear faces. However, I am unsure of how to achieve the same effect in Reality Composer Pro!

3D Model is already two-sided.

Answered by AppleCare Staff in 777650022

Apologies, we currently do not support double-sided rendering with ShaderGraph materials. So for now one would have to have 2 versions of a mesh with reverse normals and different materials: One for front faces and one for back faces.

Accepted Answer

Apologies, we currently do not support double-sided rendering with ShaderGraph materials. So for now one would have to have 2 versions of a mesh with reverse normals and different materials: One for front faces and one for back faces.

How to apply a different texture to the Rear face of the material in Reality Composer Pro?