Scheduler periodic 15 min

Hi, I am developing a service that reads data from wearable devices. It should launch the scheduler every 15 min, but however sometimes there is a delay of 1 - 5 minutes, there are days that the scheduler does not run between 23:00 to 7 am, I am using BGAppRefreshTaskRequest. Can someone give me a hand?

Running a background task request is at the discretion of the system, and cannot be relied on to launch on a schedule like "every 15 minutes". That is not what the API is designed for. In such a use case like reading data from a device over Bluetooth, the best solution would be to give the scheduling work to the device and have it establish a connection and send the data over on the strict schedule that is needed.

The details of how the communications would be done will depend on the implementation details of the connection between the devices.

Scheduler periodic 15 min