App transfer with auto-renewing subscription and on-device verification

Hey everyone! I'm planning to perform an app transfer of my iOS app. The app offers auto-renewing subscriptions and already has quite some subscribers - so I definitely don't want to loose them. I'm using StoreKit2 to perform the IAP and to verify the transactions on device. The code looks something like this

 for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements {
        switch result {
        case let.verified(transaction):
          // Locally store which item has been purchased
          // ...
          await transaction.finish()

I'm trying to understand if subscriptions that have been activated on the current Apple Developer Account would still be verified as active after the App Transfer to the new Developer Account.

If this is not the case, is there any way to allow already active subscriptions to continue auto-renewing on the new account without verifying the transactions on my own server?

I would appreciate any kind of feedback.

Thanks in advance!

App transfer with auto-renewing subscription and on-device verification