Publishing an app with in-app purchase with webview (PWA)

Hello, I'm trying to publish a PWA application. I got a refusal to publish the app because of the in-app purchase.

I asked for more information I need some clarification regarding in-app purchases.

The application is a PWA that displays the content of the url . The purchase is made on the following site: Do you mean that if I make the in-app purchase available by staying on the url the application will be approved?

I can't use services like StoreKit or Swift development because the application is a PWA.

How do other PWA applications with paid services work?

Apple's response Hello,

We are not able to provide feedback on app concepts or features, but we recommend evaluating your suggestions against the App Store Review Guidelines, as well as the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, and the Human Interface Guidelines.

Additionally, if you are considering implementing any of the following functionality, we recommend reviewing all associated reference material and other resources available on Apple Developer for any additional requirements.

  • Apple Developer
  • Apple Copyright and Trademark Guidelines
  • Game Center
  • iCloud
  • In-App Purchase

You may also choose to post a question in the Apple Developer Forums.

Best regards,

My questions So I wonder if offering direct purchase from would be enough to get my pwa app published? If not, I don't see how I can do it any other way, as I don't develop in Swift. I use PWABuilder. Thanks for your help! :)

Publishing an app with in-app purchase with webview (PWA)