Xcode 15.2 cannot connect wirelessly with iOS 16.2

I have a problem when try to connect the debug device to Xcode. When plug with the cable to connect iPhone with MacBook, enable Connect via network, then unplug iPhone from MacBook.

App version:

Xcode ver: 15.2

Failed wireless connection devices:

  • iPhone XR (16.5)
  • iPhone 12 Pro (16.2)
  • iPhone XS Max (16.2)

issue detail:

  1. Open "Devices and Simulators" on Xcode, and turn on the Connect via network.
  2. Conform wireless connection icon (like a earth symbol) is displayed, then disconnect wire.
  3. "iPhone xr is not connected" is displayed and cannot connect wirelessly.

It seems like this problem is only occurs on iOS 16.2 and 16.5

*Note that I have read the Known Issues in Xcode 15.0.1 Release Notes, but I still can debug wirelessly with some other device having iOS older than 16.7 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-notes/xcode-15_0_1-release-notes

Is there anyone has encountered this issue and found the root cause? Could you please help me find the solution for it?

Xcode 15.2 cannot connect wirelessly with iOS 16.2