App Clip Unavailable

I have published the app on the App Store along with its corresponding app clip, my app clip is configured with some advanced experiences for each one of my clients, but whenever some users try to scan an NFC or QR Code they see the card rendering correctly with their configured banner image, but with the message "App Clip Unavailable".

The weird thing is that both iMessage and the website to which the associated domain is set and the apple-app-site-association is stored, renders the banner or card correctly, and when the users tap the banner or card they open the advanced app clip experience correctly without any issue.

I have attempted to troubleshoot the issue by checking the following:

  • if the app clip is below 15MB
  • if we are using a second level domain in my associated domain both for my app clip and app (excluding the www subdomain).
  • checking if the AASA is correctly stored inside .well-known directory
  • checking the configuration for the advanced experience

I opened a case: 102233443873, and added a bunch of videos and screenshot showcasing the issue, but I have not yet received a reply

Answered by iosteam1299 in 785398022

I had the same issue in the past and it was related with the App Clip size. Although my clip max size is 14.8MB, for some reason when Apple publishes, it actually exceeds the 15MB. That's why it works with links and not with QR codes. Check I then reduced the size to 14.6MB and it started to work. Hope it helps.

After troubleshooting with sysdiagnose I was able to find these two traces:

  • default 2024-03-12 00:44:52.153225 +0100 clipserviced Getting app clip record with bundle ID <private>
  • error 2024-03-12 00:44:52.153947 +0100 clipserviced Unable to retrieve app clip record
  • error 2024-03-12 00:47:07.804805 +0100 clipserviced [AF0F681D-A200-4903-AD8C-436B19733C3C] Session failed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=907 "(null)"
  • info 2024-03-12 00:47:05.268081 +0100 clipserviced CPSClipInvocationPolicy (0x2501f61c8): Determining account policy.
  • info 2024-03-12 00:47:05.270951 +0100 clipserviced CPSClipInvocationPolicy (0x2501f61c8): Obtained ASDAccountStatusCode: 0
  • info 2024-03-12 00:47:05.270956 +0100 clipserviced CPSClipInvocationPolicy (0x2501f61c8): Determining clip policy.
  • info 2024-03-12 00:47:05.270965 +0100 clipserviced Performing age verification
  • info 2024-03-12 00:47:05.270977 +0100 clipserviced Verfiying app rank: 100 to restrictionsRank: 1000
  • info 2024-03-12 00:47:05.270991 +0100 clipserviced CPSClipInvocationPolicy (0x2501f61c8): Obtained ASDClipRestrictionsTask response code: 0
  • default 2024-03-12 00:47:07.793092 +0100 clipserviced LaunchServices observer: InstallsStarted <private>
  • default 2024-03-12 00:47:07.793221 +0100 clipserviced NotifyToken::RegisterDispatch( fired for session key <private>
  • error 2024-03-12 00:47:07.804805 +0100 clipserviced [AF0F681D-A200-4903-AD8C-436B19733C3C] Session failed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=907 "(null)"
  • default 2024-03-12 00:47:07.804815 +0100 clipserviced CPSInstallationController: Session (0xbd2a2cd40) User Canceled.

This is the the diagnostic of my iPhone of the app clip experience it gives me all green and works perfectly well:

I'm currently facing an issue where the "App Clip Unavailable" error message is impacting my business operations. Could you provide assistance or suggestions on how to resolve this?

We've also been having a similar issue with our users who previously had an App Clip installed and when sent a link invocation can no longer access with the error "App Clip Unavailable".

Haven't reached out a solution yet, I've been following the case with the Apple Engineering Team, and they asked me for the sysdiagnose.log again, I hope they can find a solution to this issue, and will update the post once we reach a solution over this issue

Same here, nor the Smart Banner appears on my website, nor does the AppClip tag works: "AppClip unavailable" , it only shows the image.

Any update on this?

Accepted Answer

I had the same issue in the past and it was related with the App Clip size. Although my clip max size is 14.8MB, for some reason when Apple publishes, it actually exceeds the 15MB. That's why it works with links and not with QR codes. Check I then reduced the size to 14.6MB and it started to work. Hope it helps.

If that's really the reason why then it's just misleading, because how come I can upload an App Clip and appstoreconnect says everything is ok, but then it is not? Also what makes it even weirder is that some people with Chinese Apple IDs are able to download it and use it, while others customers with an Italian or European Apple IDs see "App Clip non è disponibile" This is very frustrating and we are still waiting to get a reply from the Apple Support which has not contacted me in the past 2 weeks, at this point without any guide we are just blindly rewriting the app in native in a hope that it fixes the issue. We'd love to just know what's causing the issue and receive a feedback from Apple around that so that we can move forward to fix the issue, but the lack of support is real we feel we've been raising the issue and the support is not looking into that at all, last week they sent me an email requesting the same information again, which at this point I don't know what else to say which is the sysdiagnose I posted above

@nicholasjcameron unfortunately they have not yet reached out to me since last week, we've been waiting for the support to reply us, unless I send an email they won't actively reach out to me

We are experiencing the same problem again and again, Apple minds please help us :D

Currently experiencing the exact same issues. app clip was working and everything was fine, then a app release with no significant changes to the app clip (maybe a few lines of code changed) and now every scan or QR/App Clip Code/NFC shows "App Clip Unavailable" on the app clip card and users can't get past that.

App Clip Unavailable