Privacy Manifests - Is there a way to figure out what's flagging an App Store Connect error?

We've been getting missing API declaration errors when submitting our app to App Store Connect for review. As SDK providers, while we have attempted our best effort to declare which APIs are being called in our Privacy Manifests, it's difficult to determine what we are missing especially with multiple libraries.

Only the app container is raised as the offending target, so how do we determine which dependency or even which API call is causing App Store Connect to flag errors, so we can properly declare usage in our Privacy Manifests?

Thanks! That seems to be a big help in deterministically finding which required reason APIs each library uses. However, one thing I'm observing is anything that is not a dynamic XCFramework seems to be causing an error when uploading to App Store Connect, even if that library has its own privacy manifest.

It seems that when importing a framework that implicitly depends on another framework (which itself uses required reason APIs and contains its own privacy manifest), even if the explicitly imported framework does not use any such APIs, we are receiving errors.

Privacy Manifests - Is there a way to figure out what's flagging an App Store Connect error?