Failed To Find Players

I am trying to test a two-player game that I am building on XCode. I am using my iPhone and an iPhone simulator but the simulator always displays a popup with the error message "Failed to find players" when I try to connect using Game Center's match-maker. I have had this issue with my phone as well but it is an issue with the simulator 100% and I can connect successfully if I replace the simulator with my friend's iPhone for testing. I am wondering what I can do to use the simulator so that I can test the project on my own. Both devices are using sandbox accounts. Here is some more info incase it is helpful:

Date and time of issue: Sat Mar 16 2024 12:03PM (GMT-5)

run on iPhone 15 simulator with iOS version 17.2 and iPhone SE with iOS version 17.3.1

Xcode Version 15.3 (15E204a)

Did you find a way to make it work? I am having the exact same issue...

I have this error too and did not find a workaround (if there even is any?).

Failed To Find Players