Difficulty Adjusting Age Rating from +17 to 4+ in App Store Connect

I'm encountering an issue with the age rating of my app in App Store Connect and would greatly appreciate your insights.

Initially, when setting the age rating for my finance management app, I misunderstood the requirements and selected an age rating of +17 under the assumption that I had to choose either "Made for Kids" or "+17."

Realizing that the content of my app is suitable for a broader audience, I am attempting to adjust the age rating to 4+. However, despite not selecting the "Made for Kids" or "Restrict to 17+" options, and intending to proceed with a 4+ rating, the changes don't seem to be registering. Clicking "Done" after modifying the age rating doesn't appear to have any effect.

Here's a snapshot of the page where I'm stuck (see attached image).

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Difficulty Adjusting Age Rating from +17 to 4+ in App Store Connect