Online courses for XCODE (maybe swift coding too)

What would be your recommendations for an online course for learning to use XCODE and planning a swift app ?

After a law degree I've spent 40 years learning systems engineering. Mostly networking, some programming so I have the basics, but there are some absolute mysteries.

My first app was a basic program for the //e a contact database we could save on tape before diks were Now I'm stymied with some cryptic messages about not being able to create schema and I simple downloaded the new code and told it to create a new ios app.

I would recommend to first start with Apple (free) course.

That will provide you the basics and should be enough to start developing your apps. The rest is largely a question of practice.

You should have to decide if you want to learn UIKit or SwiftUI. SwiftUI is probably better suited if you have not very specific needs for your app.

A good starting point:

You find a lot in Apple's Library to learn Swift:

Online courses for XCODE (maybe swift coding too)