> 1 Month with Apple Support, Unable to Enroll into Dev Program

Hey Guys,I don't know if this is the right thread to post as I couldn't find a dev specific one, if not Mods please remove it.

But to give you some context, I had initially tried to enroll in the program years ago when I was under 18 but it seemed to have blocked me and I didn't realize. I then turned to my parents to use their accounts to publish and manage the apps I made for the longest time. I am now over 21 now and am setting up my own LLC and wanted to use my account so that I don't need my parents to help me sign in every time.

I however got an error that saying that I wasn't able to enroll and everytime I called support, they would tell me that they were not able to verify me and that they couldn't help me further and they Hung Up On Me.

I got In touch with one advisor who was nice enough to listen and let me explain my self and she said that an 'Internal Team' would have to look into this to let me enroll, I sent her my ID and my parent's account that I used to publish apps but it has been over a month now and I all I get in response is that she does not have any update and will be unable to provide any timeline or updates until she gets any.

I have zero clue on how to proceed with this as I'm left in the dark and nobody in apple seems to want to help me.

> 1 Month with Apple Support, Unable to Enroll into Dev Program