Cordova app upload through transport requires WKWatchKitApp

Hi, we have an old cordova/phonegap app that we are trying to upload through Transporter, but suddenly we started getting the following error:

"Missing Info.plist value. A value for the key “WKApplication”, or “WKWatchKitApp” if your project has a WatchKit App Extension target, is required in “<app>.app/<app>.app” bundle. For details, see:"

We don't support Apple Watch and there is no target for Apple Watch, there does not seem to be anything to do with Apple Watch in our XCode project, yet we are getting the above complain.

We using the following versions: XCode 15.0 Cordova: 12.0.0 cordova-ios: 6.3.0

There has been no change to our provisioning profile.

Any idea why we are getting the above complain?

I'm familiar with the error and what it means (it comes down to whether you're using SwiftUI lifecycle or WatchKit storyboards), but I don't know anything about how this might intersect with an old Cordova project. It sounds like it's generating an extra (watch?) bundle or otherwise doing something unexpected that's falling afoul of App Store binary validation. To diagnose, we'd need a Feedback with the problematic project attached.

Cordova app upload through transport requires WKWatchKitApp