"Get device information" command is not working.

Hello Forum,

If I send the device the "DeviceInformationCommand.Command.RequestType= DeviceInformation" command and "InstalledApplicationListCommand.Command.RequestType = InstalledApplicationList" command , it can be sent successfully, but I don't get a response from the device.

https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/get_device_information ------------- our log ----------------------

general.log.5:[2024/03/27 13:23:30] ( I #TaskUpdateInformationHandler - did:14379, udid:63a6d7edc9f1128808aaee49d80e9539b5fd9cdd, mdm_task_uuids:['0aa5f838-1891-4a9b-b4fd-9d7c0aa365d3', '3f401ea8-be87-499b-a4be-fea2b1dab379'], result:ok, cid:117
general.log.5:[2024/03/28 03:06:34] ( I #TaskUpdateInformationHandler - did:14379, udid:63a6d7edc9f1128808aaee49d80e9539b5fd9cdd, mdm_task_uuids:['c46b8523-40cd-4c7e-8a5d-0e49c9d26106', '8a99b664-df27-4bc9-8f41-fe39e3a7f3bc'], result:ok, cid:117

It is transmitted successfully to the Apple MDM server, but there is no response from the device.

However, policy distribution such as PushSetting works normally.

I would like to get some document or help that I can refer to.

Thank you.

"Get device information" command is not working.