AI text format style in Pages and Numbers


can you add new feature in Pages and Numbers using Ai to apply style from PDF or template to documents, so ai arrange footers and headers and fonts , pages breaks , pages numbers, like one in PDF or templates , so we can auto format documents to desired look standard, also for Numbers. So we can on raw text upload pdf of another documents or report and get documents in that style for export to pdf or print

Best regards,


This isn't the place for feature requests. These are the Developer Forums, where developers who write apps for Apple's operating systems get together to ask for help in their code. It's not the place where Apple's actual employed developers discuss what they're doing at work. If there are any such employees here, it's to help us out.

If you want to request a feature, please send a feedback request at

As an aside, I do wish people would stop calling everything "AI". It's not "AI" for an app to make an intelligent decision on how something should be structured; it's just part of the app. An actual human decided we needed a particular feature in an app, and an actual human has written the code to implement that feature.

"AI" is not the be all and end all of everything. Adding styling to an app like Numbers isn't something AI will do. A human will write the code.