Unable to get phone number verification code for EU DSA compliance

Good day,

I'm trying to resolve the EU "Digital Services Act" compliance for my employer's Apple Developer account, but I'm stuck on verifying the phone number. The email verification code came through without any issue.

We are located in South Africa, with a "+27" area code and the number I need to use here is a landline that comes through to the receptionist at our head office.

This number does not have the ability to receive text messages, so I selected the "Didn't get a verification code?" link and chose the receive a phone call instead, however the call never comes through. Calling the number from my cellphone goes straight through to the receptionist, there are no digital switchboard prompts for the caller to select from.

I tried this numerous times this Friday just past, and again twice now today, still no luck.

I've requested an official document from my manager to see if I can go that route to verify the details, but so far nobody seems to be able to find an appropriate document for me to use... :(

Is there anything else that I can do here?

Answered by AndreGreeff in 788107022

Just to follow up on this one, I did eventually manage to get this sorted out by providing Apple with an affidavit providing the relevant business contact and address details, signed by our Financial Director, who is a registered "Commissioner of Oaths".

No matter what we tried, I could not get the phone number verification code from Apple's automated systems.

I posted something similar here:


In my case, the phone number is redirected; I think Apple's bot gets confused by the two levels of ring tone and hangs up too soon.

You could file a bug, ha ha. Mine was closed with "too little information to diagnose".

Is there anything else that I can do here?

The easiest solution is probably to buy a "burner phone", use it once for this verification, and then dispose of it. I'm going to wait before doing that, in case they fix it.

It may also be that they remove the requirement to disclose a phone number. I think that's less likely to apply in your case if you do literally have a head office with a receptionist, but for all the one-guy-in-his-garage businesses that literally don't have a business phone number, Apple's interpretation of the rules could change.

Please let us know what happens in your case.

I am stuck in the same situation and have abandoned all hope.

Accepted Answer

Just to follow up on this one, I did eventually manage to get this sorted out by providing Apple with an affidavit providing the relevant business contact and address details, signed by our Financial Director, who is a registered "Commissioner of Oaths".

No matter what we tried, I could not get the phone number verification code from Apple's automated systems.

Unable to get phone number verification code for EU DSA compliance