Error trying to test StoreKit in someone else's app.

I'm an Apple developer but I'm currently trying to test someone else's app that uses StoreKit for in-app purchases. The app is being tested using TestFlight.

When I run the app, I always get a StoreKit error. On the screen, I see:

"App Store communication failure, please try later"
(with a close button to dismiss it)

In the app's console I see:

"StoreKit: Unable to Complete Request"

This happens with 3 different apps that the company is currently testing. No one else that is testing is getting this issue. StoreKit is working fine for them.

I suspect the problem has to do with the fact that I'm an Apple Developer as well. There must be something about my account that is tripping up StoreKit. I don't currently have any Sandbox test accounts. None of my apps are currently in testing.

Anyone have any thoughts?

I did capture a log from the Console App, filtering on StoreKit:

If you search the log for my email address "bill at otherwise dot com" you will see some errors that may mean something to someone.

Error trying to test StoreKit in someone else's app.