Camera Permission Changes to Not Allowed. (Black Screen Appears) after updating to iOS 17.4.1

Following the update to iOS 17.4.1, our team has observed a recurring issue across all iPhone browsers within our Virtual Try On web application. Specifically, when users switch between products, there's a disruption in camera permissions (changes to not allowed), resulting in a black screen appearing in the canvas where the live camera stream typically displays.

We have noted that several users have reported experiencing the same issue. We kindly request your assistance in addressing this matter. Could you please provide guidance on any potential fixes or workarounds for this issue? Additionally, we would appreciate an estimated timeline for when a resolution might be expected.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and assistance in resolving this issue.

I wonder whether this is Can you try the latest iOS 17.5 beta and let us know whether your issue is fixed. If it is not fixed, could you file a bug in, or provide repro steps?

Camera Permission Changes to Not Allowed. (Black Screen Appears) after updating to iOS 17.4.1