Unable to accept new developer program license agreement


This is crazy. I just wanted to update my app, but I need to accept the apple developer program licence agreement:

The updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement needs to be reviewed.

In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Team Agent) must review and accept the updated agreement in their account on the developer website.

Yes, I searched the forum. No, I do not have to accept anything in itunes connect (banking, contratcs..) - there is a master agreement still active. Nothing to add there.
I have a red banner in my account and I can review the agreement. But there is nothing in the agreement or below to say: "Yes, I accept it"

What is the problem?

Many thanks to the community.

Having the same issue. Even though I am the account agent, and it shows me the same warning. There's no option to accept the agreement. I'm unable to submit a update for the app due to this issue.


iTunes Connect

users and Roles

select yourself

select 'roles'

check all the boxes.

I have the same issue.I'm the team agent, but there nothing to accept.

I'm Admin Finance App Manager Developer Marketer Sales Reports.

Interesting that legal is missing.

Nevertheless I had no issues before to accept the agreements.

>Interesting that legal is missing.

Interesting - no; the answer to your problem - yes.

Check it!

>Nevertheless I had no issues before to accept the agreements.

Actually this is 'interesting'.

Dear "PBK", thanks for the reply, but I'm not a native speaker and there is definitely no reason for the slightly arrogant tone in your response.

We've already applied last year for a transfer of the account and got a confirmation. So it's obviously not enough to apply for changing the team agent and apply for transferring a personal account to a business account. You also need to apply for changing the legal role, but you first need to be aware that something like a legal role even exists.

Fact is that it is no longer possible to review a new agreement when the legal role is different from the team agent. But that's only my assumption. I couldn't find anything on the support pages and I have definitely better things to do than researching this stuff for hours.

The last agreement needed to be reviewed beginning of March - that worked with the current setup.

If it would have been possible to check the box legal - I would have done it. But there is no option for that. Only the former team agent has the option what can't be changed

In 'iTunes Connect' on 'Users and Roles' under 'Roles' page tap that "?" next to "Role". It seems to indicate that a person with "Admin" or "App Manager" can adjust the roles of anyone. So try to check the box that gives you the Legal role.

But a different description on roles is here:


and here https://itunespartner.apple.com/en/apps/faq/Users%20and%20Roles_Overview

it says:

Can I change the user with the Legal role on iTunes Connect?

No. To assign the Legal role to another user, contact Developer Support.

Already done. They fixed it

What did you do?

Who fixed it?

..and so the trail runs cold.

Probably way too late to be of help to you, but I came across your post because I had the same problem. Turns out my ad blocker was on and preventing the page from rendering completely. Perhaps this will be of help to someone else.

This is what solved my problem. Thank you so much!

Any solution to this? I'm experiencing the same thing here, two years later.

Hi! I'm having the same problem today.

Did you find a solution? Thanks

I'm having the same issue.

Experiencing the same issue, were you able to find a solution?

How can you fix this problem. I'm in the same trouble. 😟

I was running into this problem when signing into itunes connect, but visiting the developer website (same link as in original post), I was able to accept the agreement.

come ooon

P.S. I was using Brawe browser. And the site functionallity was different from expected. By using Apple's Safari browser, their portal shows the accept button. So in conclusion: use Safari.

On safari, go to preferences -> privacy.
Uncheck "Prevent cross-site tracking".
Reload the page and the "agree" button should appear.
I was running into the same issue. Turns out my user wasn't the "Account Holder" (you can see that in the AppStore Connect => "User and Access" screen) so I couldn't agree to the terms myself.
The "Account Holder" user could login and accept the terms.

I have the same issue.. I can't even enroll to the developer program.. I get following message.

If you’re currently a member of the Apple Developer Program, you or your Account Holder may need to update your account by agreeing to the latest license agreement in order to access this page. To view your current membership status and benefits,

but there is no way to find or approve the agreement.

I am having the same issue all the time from Safari, Chrome and Firefox on Mac.

This has been going on for 4 years, W T F? Can apple fix this bug or what? Experiencing the same issue. The agreement looks like it has been accepted in the dev portal...

Same thing here, cannot they simply add a link from the agreement page, so we can take action there?

Unable to accept new developer program license agreement