Provisional Notifications missing buttons

We are attempting to enable provisional notifications in our app, but some internal users on iOS 17 are reporting that they are not receiving the "Keep" and "Turn off" buttons that provisional notifications are supposed to have - in other words they just come in as regular quiet notifications.

I have confirmed that these users are doing a fresh install of our app, and at no point are they ever receiving a permission prompt to turn on notifications. Their UNAuthorizationStatus is correctly being set to provisional. Their notification settings are being set to the following, which seems correct:

I have not been able to reproduce this issue on any of my own devices, but these users can do so consistently. What could possibly cause this? Some misconfiguration on our end, our some hidden iOS setting somewhere?

If this is happening persistently to some specific users, I would suggest to have them record a video of everything they are doing from the beginning - before they delete the app. It is possible that they are missing a step or taking a different path. Also possible that they have chosen to "Keep" the notifications. Have them restart their phones after they delete the existing version of the app - just in case.

Also make sure they are running the latest version of iOS. Wouldn't hurt to confirm their iOS version in the videos as well.

If you are certain that they are doing exactly the steps you are following and having this issue, and there is no mistake in your code, with a code path that may not be asking for provisional authorization, then I would suggest to file a bug report to have the Notifications team investigate the issue.

Provisional Notifications missing buttons