Individual to Company or Transfer Apps ?

Hello, What option is better ? Convert Individual account to Organization account, or Create a new Organization account and transfer some Apps to it ? For what I have read, there may be Pros and Cons, I have seen posts of people mentioning that converting from Individual to Organization takes several weeks, while others have claimed that the Seller name remains the same even after the conversion. Would like to hear experiences in one or both options. Thanks!

I have seen posts of people mentioning that converting from Individual to Organization takes several weeks, while others have claimed that the Seller name remains the same even after the conversion

I did the individual -> company conversion. I forget how long it took; it may have been a week or two. I wasn’t in a hurry. But that was a few years ago, and right now I get the impression that Developer Program Support might be overworked.

I’ve no idea about the name-not-changing issue, that sounds unlikely.

I would suggest doing this rather than creating a second account and transferring the apps.

Individual to Company or Transfer Apps ?