Conflict between capability User Assigned Device Name & Contacts notes entitlements

We have requested an additional capability called "User Assigned Device Name" for my application to Apple and got approved the same on for debug/adhoc/release environments . Since then we are facing issues on code signing. We are always getting the compiler error "* Provisioning profile "xxxxxxxxxxx" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability." on both Debug and Release environment.

There is another capability "contacts notes entitlements" that we got approved long back when it was not apart of Apple ID(additional capabilities) rather we got approved as a part of our provisioning profile.

Suppose we removed "contacts notes entitlements" from the profile and deleted it from the entitlement folder the project compiled without any error. So we are strongly believes the conflicts on the "contacts notes entitlements" is the root cause.

We are about to release the version and which is blocked due to this error. So kindly look in to this issue and do the needful asap.

STEPS TO REPRODUCE Added user assigned device name capability from Signing & Capability Tab in project in settings.

Added the team, valid provisioning profiles and try to sign in manually.

Getting the error “Provisioning profile xxxxxxxxxxxx" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability." Note: Already got approval for the “user assigned device name” . Which is listed under the app id.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 791528022

Interesting. Those should be compatible [1]. The basic idea would be:

  1. Set the User Assigned Device Name additional capability on your App ID.

  2. Then create a provisioning profile from that App ID.

  3. And, while doing that, apply the Contact Notes template to the profile.

Some notes:

  • This involves the old process, and the old process requires that you use manual code signing.

  • One or both of these might be restricted to specific App IDs.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] In general:

  • Two old process managed capabilities are not compatible.

  • All other combinations are.

PLATFORM AND VERSION iOS Development environment: Xcode 15.4, macOS 14.1.1 Run-time configuration: iOS iOS 17.4.1,

There are two ways that Apple grants access to managed capabilities. In my Using the Multicast Networking Additional Capability I label these as the old process and the new process. To help you out here I need to know which process you’re using for each of these capabilities:

  • It sounds like User Assigned Device Name is using the new process. Please confirm?

  • And what about Contacts Notes?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hi Thank you for the response. Please find the updates below.

    1. It sounds like User Assigned Device Name is using the new process. Please confirm? Yes you are right the User Assigned Device Name capability added in to our App ID and then create a provisioning profile based on that. ie, new process.
    1. And what about Contacts Notes? ** Contacts Notes added additional capability to our provisioning profile** ie, the old process

Thank you.

Interesting. Those should be compatible [1]. The basic idea would be:

  1. Set the User Assigned Device Name additional capability on your App ID.

  2. Then create a provisioning profile from that App ID.

  3. And, while doing that, apply the Contact Notes template to the profile.

Some notes:

  • This involves the old process, and the old process requires that you use manual code signing.

  • One or both of these might be restricted to specific App IDs.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] In general:

  • Two old process managed capabilities are not compatible.

  • All other combinations are.

Hi Team,

As you suggested we have created the provisioning profile for the User Assigned Device Name capability enabled App Id and then applied the Contact Notes template to the profile. Still getting the same error "Provisioning profile "IDriveOnlineBackUp_Dev2" doesn't support the User Assigned Device Name capability."(performing manual code signing)

Here Im attaching the screenshots of error, entitlement plist and the build settings User-Defined provisioning profile settings. Please check those let me know if anything missing. Also let me know if there any additional build settings we have to take care on this scenario.

We have another application called IDrive 360 which also provides similar services to the customer. 360 application as well we have the above mentioned capabilities ie, "User Assigned Device Name" & "Contacts notes Field access' '.

Here the difference is 360 having both of these capabilities as a part of the App ID(New Process). The provisioning profile showing Entitlements as default. We are able to Debug/Achieve the target without any issue.

Kindly consider this point.

Thanks & Regards

Hi , Could you please provide me an update on the above.

Thanks & Regards

I’ve been researching this internally but haven’t yet found any actionable results.

It’d help if I knew the Team ID for these products. Are you happy to post that here?

If not, that’s cool. Just reply here confirming that and I’ll suggest an alternative path forward.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Really sorry as per the company policy we cannot share the information with the public. Can you please check if possible further discussion through email? We already had multiple conversations with the technical team and were not getting proper response but at least it's getting here.

Thanks & Regards

we cannot share the information with the public.

Not a problem [1].

I suggest you submit a code-level support request so that I can get your Team ID from there. Once I have that information, we can continue the discussion here in the forums. When you create the request, indicate that you were referred by someone at Apple and make sure to include a link to this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] Although note that your Team ID is not super sensitive, in that’s embedded into every app that you ship (-:


Actually we have already raised a code level support request with Case-ID: 7747625. There the person who connected suggested posting the query on the developer forum for further discussions. Can you please collect the information from the existing request(Case-ID: 7747625).?

Thanks & Regards

Conflict between capability User Assigned Device Name & Contacts notes entitlements