Type '' does not conform to protocol '_IntentValue' - AppIntents

Hi there. First time poster!

I'm attempting to implement App Intents in my app, as part of the App Intent I have included a parameter requiring the user specify one of their 'to do lists'.

@Parameter(title: "List", description: "One of your Marvelist lists.")
var list: MarvelistModels.List

However, I'm receiving the below error in Xcode...

Type 'MarvelistModels.List' does not conform to protocol '_IntentValue'

When I go to the struct for MarvelistModels.List, and attempt to make it conform to _IntentValue, it adds

typealias Specification = type

to my struct... however, I can't quite figure out how to make it conform.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreicated!

Type '' does not conform to protocol '_IntentValue' - AppIntents