Parent Gfit In-App Subscription to their Child

Our app has a parent account that can view their child's account activity for the free version but we have in-app subscriptions and trying to figure out how the parent can choose to purchase or pay for their child's in-app subscription from their apple Id account.

Gifting? Family Sharing? Redeem Code?

All keep showing up in my research but I am struggling with how to best execute this? Any advie or insight is helpful!!


One feature of Family Sharing is the ability for a parent or guardian to approve what kids buy or download through Ask to Buy. This is built into the App Store, and no action is needed from you.

You can test how your app will handle Ask to Buy using Xcode or in Sandbox.

If you want your purchase to be shared across family members, you can enable Family Sharing for your in-app purchases in App Store Connect. For more information, see Supporting Family Sharing in your app.

Parent Gfit In-App Subscription to their Child