Release app to production with Xcode 16 beta and MacOS 15 beta

I've updated my mac to Sequoia (MacOS 15) beta, my iPhone to iOS 18 beta, and Xcode to Xcode 16 beta.

Only then, I realized I couldn't publish app updates with Xcode beta (error in AppStore Connect). I tried using the non-beta Xcode version but got "Invalid Binary" during app review:

ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit:

I really need to publish updates and I can't wait for September. I can't downgrade my devices because that would require me to erase both my Mac and my iPhone (for testing), which is not something I can do.

Is there any option I didn't think about? How can I publish app updates in the current situation?

It really should be more explicit before updating that you can't release updates with the beta versions...

Answered by reflex44 in 793050022

I enabled Xcode Cloud and it worked that way. Thanks!

You could prepare an external SDD to boot into the previous version which only has Mac OS and Xcode and submit from there

what have you done, i also upgraded all my deviced to beta and i'm so dissapointed that they didn't tell us we can't keep using xcode 15 with Sequia. that was a must, now it seems like we will have to erase everything, since they all did backup with the new beta systems.

any other solution??

Accepted Answer

I enabled Xcode Cloud and it worked that way. Thanks!

@AlanXp If you don't have access to another Macbook with non-beta Xcode installed, like me, then I guess you only have two options:

  • Boot MacOS from an external SSD, with Xcode installed, like @fbronner suggested.
  • Use Xcode Cloud.

I found Xcode Cloud to be a simpler solution in my case. I was able to set it up rather quickly. I wanted to start using it for some time and this was a good moment to do it. The free trier is largely sufficient for me.

Still, I really think they should make this limitation more explicit when updating to beta.

PS: If you are having issue with Xcode 16 beta, note that you can still run Xcode 15 from the terminal usingopen /Applications/ This won't allow you to archive the app for release (you get an error later in the process), but it may be useful for testing.

Release app to production with Xcode 16 beta and MacOS 15 beta