What happens at the end of a promo code duration

I have yearly auto renew subscription. in ASC I generate a promo code. giving user free subscription. At the end of the year are they

  • [A ] renewed automatically for free so promo code continues?
  • [B ] renewed automatically at the actual subscription price
  • [ C] not renewed so effectively get to choose to start a subscription at the current price
  • [D ] none of the above

ChatGPT answered for me

The outcome of a yearly auto-renew subscription with a promo code in the App Store Connect (ASC) depends on the settings and policies Apple has in place for promo codes and subscriptions. Here are the general possibilities:

Promo Codes for Subscriptions

Promo codes can be used to provide users with a free trial or a discounted period for a subscription. After the promo code period ends, the standard subscription terms apply.


  1. If the promo code is for a free trial period and not for the entire subscription duration:

    • The user gets the promo code benefit for the trial period.
    • After the trial period ends, they are automatically renewed at the standard subscription price.
  2. If the promo code covers the entire subscription duration:

    • At the end of the subscription period, the user is renewed at the standard subscription price (Option B).


Given the typical handling of promo codes in subscription services like the App Store, the correct answer is most likely:

[B] renewed automatically at the actual subscription price

If you want to confirm the specifics for your particular setup or check if there are any nuances in your implementation, reviewing Apple's official documentation or contacting their support might be necessary.


Request and manage promo codes | App Store Connect help:

If a customer uses a promo code to subscribe to an auto-renewable subscription, the subscription won’t automatically renew after the duration is complete.

Promo codes are meant to offer apps and IAPs for limited review for early adopters.

However, if you use subscription offers like intro offers, promo offers, offer codes, or win-back offers, all of them let users enjoy the service for free or with a discount (depending on how you configure those offers), and then redeem another offer (if you enable offer stacking) or renew automatically with the regular price. Please refer to these materials for more details:

What happens at the end of a promo code duration