Server Side validation for In-App Purchase


Our application offers 3 non-renewing subscriptions. I have integrated the necessary code, and our App Store Account Paid Agreement status is Active. Transactions are successfully completed in the sandbox environment.

However, I am facing difficulties with server-side validation. The /verifyReceipt API is deprecated, and I need an alternative method for server-side validation. The Apple documentation is quite confusing, and I couldn't find any articles related to the new approach for server-side validation.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide a detailed guide on how to perform server-side validation with the new method.

Thank you in advance.

On device, you can get the signed JWS Transaction via

You can then decode this with the App Store Server Library's SignedDataVerifier class to both verify and decode the signed transaction, without needing to make a call to the App Store Server API. The library is available in Java, Node.js, Python, and Swift for Server.

Server Side validation for In-App Purchase