Scale app for coffee and small dishes

I just want to make my V60 coffee I found out that my electronic scale ran out of battery and there is no charger in my work location and I also work on a remote area nearest city about 100 km so, I grab my iPhone to find out is there any app can scale my coffee grams and water mills by putting coffee bin above the iPhone for measuring it’s weight. The answer is no, there are no apps for measuring weight of coffee bens and water droplets to make V60 coffee.

Still I have made my coffee perfectly from my experience. I am writing this post just to have scale app at my iPhone and also if I can get some money it is good because no one can say no for the money

This is pure nonsense. There is no need for any phone manufacturer to add a scale to the screen. It would be over-engineering for one tiny use case. Not gonna happen.

Also, these are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are not where Apple's actual developers chat about new features.

If you want to suggest this to Apple, then you should raise a Feedback report at:

You may see it not worthy but there are people will pay for service like that including me.

@9age There is a simple solution: develop the app yourself. If there is such a market, you'll become a billionaire.

PS: there are very good purely mechanical scales on the market (since a few milleniums). No need for electronic scale nor iPhone app… And low cost as well:

not many people would use it (well, drug dealers might).

Let's also have a "coffee" purity tester where you put a couple of grains down the speaker hole and it tells you if it's 100% Arabica or whether it's been cut with baking soda.

Scale app for coffee and small dishes