PDFKit PDFPage.characterBounds(at:) returns incorrect coordinates iOS 18 beta 4

PDFKit PDFPage.characterBounds(at: Int) is returning incorrect coordinates with iOS 18 beta 4 and later / Xcode 16 beta 4.

It worked fine in iOS 17 and earlier (after showing the same issue during the early iOS 17 beta cycle)

It breaks critical functionality that my app relies on.

I have filed feedback (FB14843671). So far no changes in the latest betas. iOS release date is approaching fast!

Anybody having the same issue? Any workaround available?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 809694022

Hello. Thank you for filing a bug report. I can confirm that the bug you filed remains open and under investigation.

Please continue testing your software in upcoming system software updates and beta releases and add updates to your bug report.

That's as much as policy permits I can tell you at this time. I'll comment on this thread again if I'm able to dig up any other details I can share.

Any news on this topic? Still not working in the latest betas.

The latest Xcode / iOS RC candidates still have the same issue that PDFKits PDFPage.characterBounds(at:) is returning incorrect coordinates for characters on the PDF page.

This breaks apps that rely on PDFKit to read char positions from PDF files!

It should be fixed by Apple before the final release of iOS 18.

iOS 18.1 beta 5 does not resolve the PDFKit PDFPage.characterBounds(at:) issue of returning the wrong character bounds.

iOS 18.1 beta 7 does not fix the this bug. Is this even confirmed as a bug in iOS 18.x?

Would be great if someone from Apple could confirm it is a bug and that it is in the backlog for getting resolved. Thanks in advance!

Hello. Thank you for filing a bug report. I can confirm that the bug you filed remains open and under investigation.

Please continue testing your software in upcoming system software updates and beta releases and add updates to your bug report.

That's as much as policy permits I can tell you at this time. I'll comment on this thread again if I'm able to dig up any other details I can share.

FYI, neither iOS 18.1 RC nor 18.2 beta 1 resolves the issue.

iOS 18.2 beta 2 (22C5125e) does not fix the issue, either.

The app breaking PDFKit bug is still not fixed! Soon there is end of year but still not fixed!

I really do not understand why an established Apple framework does not get fixed during the beta cycle. Even less so that it is not yet fixed while we are into the second point-update of the new OS.

During the iOS 17 beta cycle I had reported the same bug and it got fixed within two weeks.

What a surprisingly bad developer experience.

iOS 18.2 RC2 (22C151) is still not fixing the PDFKit.characterBounds(at:) bug.

iOS 18.2 (22C152) does not fix the issue, either!

iOS 18.3 beta (22D5034e) does not fix the issue!

iOS 18.3 beta 3 (22D5055b5) does not fix the issue!

I have tested text extraction through the lower level CoreGraphics framework with CGPDFScannerScan(). It returns the same correct text results on iOS 17 and iOS 18!

Seems this is a PDFKit bug, not a lower-level CoreGraphics bug.

How can I help to further analyse this PDFKit issue and eventually get this Apple framework bug fixed!?

iOS 18.3 does not fix this bug, either! Apple, please!!, fix this bug for iOS 18.4.

PDFKit PDFPage.characterBounds(at:) returns incorrect coordinates iOS 18 beta 4