Our e-learning app has been rejected in App Review regarding compliance with guideline 4.8.0: Login Services. The following were Apple Support's feedback:
The app uses a third-party login service like Google or Facebook, but does not appear to offer an equivalent login option with Sign in with Apple.
Next Steps:
Revise the app to offer an equivalent login option that meets all of the above requirements.
If the app already includes a login option that meets the above requirements, reply to App Review in App Store Connect, identify which login option meets the requirements, and explain why it meets the requirements.
Additionally, it would be appropriate to update the screenshots in the app's metadata to accurately reflect the revised app once another login service has been implemented.
Note that Sign in with Apple meets the requirements specified in guideline 4.8.
Now, regarding their instructions, the following are our queries:
Our mobile app for iOS already has SSO login options for Google and Facebook. Could you clarify what is meant by "an equivalent login option"?
Are there any specific third-party login services other than "Sign in with Apple" that already comply with the requirements in Guideline 4.8?
We are using “Manual sign up/sign in”, “Continue with Google” and “Continue with Facebook” to let users sign up and sign in to our platform. As per the parameters involved with the third-party login, will using sign in with Apple solve the problem related to Guideline 4.8? So is it mandatory under Apple’s Guidelines to include "Sign in with Apple" now, in addition to other SSO options?
If it is mandatory, how is it that many iOS apps do not include the "Sign in with Apple" option?
From a technical perspective, what options are available to satisfy Apple’s guidelines in this regard?
Could manual sign-in/sign-out features of the app cause any conflicts with compliance in this area?
Looking forward to anyone's kind response that can help us resolve this issue. Thanks!