Need help building XCODE CLOUD - Error reference file '/Volumes/workspace/repository/

I Use Angular/Ionic and none matter with Android. But with IOS, it's very complicated. I Use Xcode CLoud, but I have this error :

Unable to open base configuration reference file '/Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/App/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-App/Pods-App.release.xcconfig'.


I don't know this path : /Volumes/workspace/repository and I don't know why Xcode cloud use it..

I have on my local : nameApp//ios/App/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-App/Pods-App.release.xcconfig'.

I need your help please, already 1 month I've been on it just to succeed in building on ios

yes the link he sent was very helpful in solving the error, especially here but the code snippets they provided in the docs wasn't enough, i have to modify it to this


# Install Node.js using Homebrew
brew install node

# Install CocoaPods using Homebrew
brew install cocoapods

# Navigate to the project root directory
cd ..

# Install Node.js dependencies
npm install

# Navigate back to the ios directory
cd ios

# Install dependencies you manage with CocoaPods
pod install

and it was able to build succesfully without any pods error

Need help building XCODE CLOUD - Error reference file '/Volumes/workspace/repository/