Dear Apple Supervisors, im Enrik Sulaj an apps and games developer .I have many Why-s ! Why app review team have a stone heart? Why they dont value our work? Why they are not helpful?
Why they cant tell us where the problem is ? Why they dont do their work right? Why "They dont share information "even that information can solve the problem. Why they create the problem just to reject our games? I sent an appeal for that, still waiting for it but they always had respond with not a solution to me and not in an helpful form! Why they hate new creators? And the last why, why they make the impossible to undervalue creators hardwork and made us never work with Apple Again. I never saw an car game that collect gold and rubin, gives all free assets or crushes into a wall, but they have always their answer and dont listen to the facts, the most common answer
"Duplicated but with anonymous and not shareable proof "Apple supervisors, fix my problem, im an Apple unhappy user of Developer services ! Not about Apple policies, but even my new idea can get rejected. That will hurt so many new creators. Its just not right, to take money and to refuse to give service. If i buy your product you need to give me the service. At least the support, helpful support, not like (We cant share information, becouse if you analise it well that translates in " we cant help " or "we dont have any proof just want to make your road longer ".Fix this asap, apple review team need to support us, not just to say things we already know. My app is duplicated ? How is that possible didnt copy anybody, if they continue like this even if i have the problem i will never solve this becouse i dont know what to do, this situation is making me angry becouse think of it as in the same position, if you get refused for not a real reason. I will never give up, i will get my right, and i hope the other creators facing the same problem fix this also ! Do not use bots to do the work auto and faster, instead use your eyes, they never lie . Do not save time, instead do the work longer and ri to say a little thing, anything will be in the right place at the right time .
4.3.0 Design Spam Problem App Review is not helpful
Do not save time, instead do the work longer and "right" "I also want "to say a little thing, anything will be in the right place at the right time .I forgot to edit so here is the part you didnt understood