Xcode crash report please help me to fix it I am suffering this issue from many days

Welcome to the forum.

You don't give enough information.

  • Xcode version is 16.1. Is it a beta or a release ?
  • When does it occur ?
    • When compiling your app ? If so, do you get error message ?
    • At launch ? : if so you should reinstall Xcode.


Sorry to hear you are having problems getting Xcode working. From the details in the crash report it looks like you are running a seed version of 16.1. On 28 Oct 2024 a final version of Xcode 16.1 was released. Could you try downloading that and see if the issue goes away?

If you are still seeing issues with the released version then you should file a feedback with a sysdiagnose attached.

Xcode crash report please help me to fix it I am suffering this issue from many days