Description When starting the iOS simulators on macOS-15 intel image, the following assertion happens: The same issue not showing for macOS 15-arm64 image. Here is the issue details: raised by multiple users.
AVPIdentity: Assert: platformExpert, value: 0 AVPIdentity: Failed to get AppleVirtualPlatformARMPE service.
The Simulators worked fine the day before the above issue was posted. What changed? Did something update?
Looks like it may be fixed in 15.3
Mac-mini:~ anka$ xcrun simctl list devices --json | head
"devices" : {
"" : [
"dataPath" : "\/Users\/anka\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Devices\/DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC\/data",
"dataPathSize" : 18337792,
"logPath" : "\/Users\/anka\/Library\/Logs\/CoreSimulator\/DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC",
"udid" : "DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC",
"isAvailable" : true,
"deviceTypeIdentifier" : "",