[azure devops and Github runners] AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Assert: platformExpert, value: 0

Description When starting the iOS simulators on macOS-15 intel image, the following assertion happens: The same issue not showing for macOS 15-arm64 image. Here is the issue details: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10925 raised by multiple users.

AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Assert: platformExpert, value: 0 AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Failed to get AppleVirtualPlatformARMPE service.

The Simulators worked fine the day before the above issue was posted. What changed? Did something update?

Looks like it may be fixed in 15.3

Mac-mini:~ anka$ xcrun simctl list devices --json | head
  "devices" : {
    "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-18-2" : [
        "dataPath" : "\/Users\/anka\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Devices\/DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC\/data",
        "dataPathSize" : 18337792,
        "logPath" : "\/Users\/anka\/Library\/Logs\/CoreSimulator\/DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC",
        "udid" : "DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC",
        "isAvailable" : true,
        "deviceTypeIdentifier" : "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-16-Pro",

Just to clarify a bit -- When running through Virtualization on Intel, it looks as if any xcrun simctl list devices --json or other simulator related command is throwing the AVPIdentity errors. This, obviously, breaks json parsing and any tool that parses it. We see the simctl errors in the Console logs too, but are unsure where they're coming from or what could be missing here to cause it. We're looking for some guidance from Apple about the issue either: how to hide the log messages, or how to prevent them from happening at all by modifying the OS in the VM.

Also, this does not seem to happen on 14.x VMs, so this was something introduced in 15.x.

Has anyone filed a bug about this already? If so, what’s the bug number? If not, please do and then post the bug number.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Bug number: FB16084148

Same here!

Looks like apple is up to their old tricks, pushing everyone out of Azure Dev Ops to Xcode cloud!!!

Peer123123123123 wrote:

I tried to check this bug, but it's not showing on Feedback Assistant

Right. You can only see info about bug reports that you file. I talk about this in some detail in Bug Reporting: How and Why?.

While I was here I had a quick look at FB16084148. It’s definitely landed with the right folks. It remains unfixed in all shipping releases and seeded beta releases [1]. As always, I recommend that you continue to test with beta releases as we seed them.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

[1] Oh wow, right now we have no seeded beta releases! That’s a rare day.

Looks like it may be fixed in 15.3

Mac-mini:~ anka$ xcrun simctl list devices --json | head
  "devices" : {
    "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-18-2" : [
        "dataPath" : "\/Users\/anka\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Devices\/DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC\/data",
        "dataPathSize" : 18337792,
        "logPath" : "\/Users\/anka\/Library\/Logs\/CoreSimulator\/DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC",
        "udid" : "DE110594-CF92-470F-B10E-5636C4CD9EBC",
        "isAvailable" : true,
        "deviceTypeIdentifier" : "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-16-Pro",
Looks like it may be fixed in 15.3

OK, cool. Thanks for testing.

[Regarding my previous reply, I think I misread the state of FB16084148 and thus didn’t realise that the fix had landed in 15.3.]

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

[azure devops and Github runners] AVPIdentity: AppleVirtualPlatformHostKey.mm:234: Assert: platformExpert, value: 0