In-app purchases - why so frustrating?

I'm adding my first in-app purchase to an app, and I'm finding the process incredibly frustrating.

Aside from the Apple Developer Documentation not being clear enough, and kind of glossing over the technical steps required (and their sample code being woefully inadequate), App Store Connect and the testing sandbox simply don't work as they say they do.

For example, in my app I've purchased the IAP and now I want to request a refund. I select the purchase, I choose a refund reason, and this page says, "To set up a test for approved refunds, select any refund reason on the refund request sheet, and submit the sheet. The App Store automatically approves the refund request in the testing environment."

Well, when I re-launch the app the purchase is still there. I can't request a refund again because it says this is a duplicate refund request, so it knows that the purchase has had a request, and it's supposed to have automatically refunded it, but it clearly hasn't.

So, I try clearing the purchase history via the Settings app > Developer > Sandbox Apple Account. Same thing. Purchase remains.

Try clearing purchase history in App Store Connect. Same thing.

How on Earth does anyone get an in-app purchase to work when the entire testing environment is so badly executed?

How do I get past this? The IAP is the last part of the app that needs to be implemented, and I've lost a week on this already.

Answered by darkpaw in 824492022

Trial and error. I managed to get through this by random restarts of the device, deleting and reinstalling the app to the device etc.

Still get blank pages in the purchase screen though, but I'm past that.

Accepted Answer

Trial and error. I managed to get through this by random restarts of the device, deleting and reinstalling the app to the device etc.

Still get blank pages in the purchase screen though, but I'm past that.

In-app purchases - why so frustrating?