4.3 Design Spam (Suggestion for Apple)

Hello, I would like to make an appeal on behalf of small businesses around the world.

My name is André, I'm a developer and an entrepreneur.

When Apple was created its biggest mission was to bring technology to everyone. I'm in love with this ideology. Technology for all in an easy and usual way.

Many development companies work hard to generate jobs, move their country's economy, realize dreams, and bring quality technology to users.

Currently I received a call from Simone, from Apple's review team (case: 1769784) - she was very caring, polite and professional.

Simone told me that my applications are outside of Apple's guidelines, my case is item 4.3 Design Spam. She suggested that I create a container application to solve the problem.

As I accepted being an Apple developer I should suit the guidelines. However, it is a guideline that goes against information democracy. Brands do not want to share spaces with competitors. Example is Apple itself. Apple has concept stores around the world that only sell Apple products. Because Apple does not want to mingle with competitors. Our customers do not either. They want to have the same feature, the same template, but they want the app with the logo and the colors of it. Same as Apple. We could have a single mobile device and the user chooses which operating system to use. It would be much easier for all users. But you would never accept that. They would not accept because no one accepts. Because each company owns its brand to be able to work. This is called democracy.

I have read in forums (https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/240376#240376) and websites (https://www.reddit.com/r/iosdev/comments/6g9jf2/changes_to_app_store_review_guidelines_leave_me/) that developers and companies Are upset with Apple and because of item 4.3, and I'm sorry, this item is nonsense. What is the problem of a development company creating an application with great features and selling to companies that have similar services and can not afford an exclusive application. The cost of development gets lower and everyone can have an application. The company is happy that it can release its application to its customers, the developer is happy because it is democratizing the technology and generating jobs and Apple wins even more users. Please do not be the new dictators.

Our company develops applications for supermarkets and everyone loves them. You receive every day the offers from the market that you are a customer. Have health tips. Shopping list. You can share offers with friends. Get reminders about hot pie that just came out. Is not cool? The user relates to the brand you already know for years. Unlike a container application that the user does not yet know and needs to configure to choose which market he wants to receive information about. With the exclusive application and already installed and already has advantages. It is very cool.

Let users choose what is good or not good for them. The fact that the User has the right to delete an application from his device, ie "information democracy". Let the users exercise this democracy.

Let companies grow, an idea, create an exclusive plan for development companies that want to make similar applications available to the same industry and cover it. We only pay 99 dollars a year. For example: my company would pay $ 499 to have this account - "Apple Developer Business".

"You may face a mistake as a ******** to be forgotten, or as a result that points a new direction."

Steve Jobs

Thank you.


Just got hit with this on the 2nd submitted review.

14 months of development down the tube for hopes of being on iOS.

Meanwhile 500+ downloads on Google Playstore in 2 weeks so far.

No idea how to proceeed as we will NOT be changing the ENTIRE app for Google and iOS just to please Apple...

Here we go again!

A bigger company copied some of my ideas from my android app since apple is still rejecting.

The redesinged it a little bit to fit 4.3 Design: Spam and got approved a couple of weeks ago.

Bad enough.. so I redesinged my App the same way and resubmitted it. And guess what.. Still rejected because of 4.3 Design: Spam.

THIS IS UNFAIR TREATMENT! THIS IS FU*CKING NOT OKAY! I am so mad right now. I have a meeting with a lawyer tomorrow. You should do the same!

4.3 Design Spam (Suggestion for Apple)