No iTunes Connect access for the team

When trying to upload an archive to the store from the Organizer window, I get the message in the title.

I just upgraded from xcode 9 beta to the GM seed. It worked before that. Note that I had the same issue with the beta version initially but the issue resolved magically after talking with support that couldn't help me.

I have already tried multiple times to remove/add my itunes account. Also tried to revoke certificates to regenerate new ones.

Might even be a caching issue?

Thankful for any help.🙂

Nothing working here, log out of Xcode 9, re-log in, all the stuff I have done and no luck! Is this what I pay US$99 a year for?

Same problem occured here before installing the latest update. Tried all suggested fixes above (remove account, restart XCode), installed the latest update, tried all suggested fixes again - nothing resolved the error.

Does anybody know if there is a kind of status page for iTunesConnect? I've seen they updated banking details - so it seems someone is trying to update iTunesConnect and failed horribly.

same issue too 😟

I have retried now, and now it seems it works OK.

It seems like Application loader is working again.

I also have the exact same issue right now with Xcode 9.2. It just stopped working without any changes on my side.

Tried all of the recommandations I found here and elsewhere online like readding my account, rebooting or using Application Loader. Nothing helped.

I contacted support and am now being forwarded to the engineering team trying to fix it for me. Hope they can help me, because this is really a big problem for me not being able to upload new builds.

Same issue !

Any news from the support ?

I am still in contact with support to resolve the issue. I have already many mails going back and forth between support and me. However even after several days the issue is not resolved for me.

They reported the issue back to engineering. They saw my Xcode seems to be trying to upload the build using my free developer membership instead of my paid developer account. Therefore they disabled my free developer membership and suggested I logout and login in Xcode. I did that and indeed my free developer membership was no longer listed. However the issue is still not fixed for me.

Will report back here in case it gets fixed for me and how.

Wow, after trying everything I could think of, this worked for me. Can't believe I didn't think about the Troubleshooting 101 step.

Glad this did work for your. Does not work for me.

Thank for your response.

I also contacted the support on the 18th, no interesting news or solution since ...

Still nothing on your side @funkenstrahlen?

I'm having the same issue. Can't upload anything for any team I'm part of (including my personal account), since at least Monday December 18th. No luck with the Application Loader either.

This is happening for me as well, returning intermittently without any real solution apart from powering down my mac and leaving it for a while (reboots not doing the trick). My advice is to search the space between yourself and xCode to find balance. Warmth. Cold. Fury. Acceptance. Embrace application loader and your app can be what it is meant to be.

I have the same problem, restarting XCode does not work

Anything new from you? I have also contacted support and have my issue forwarded to the engineering team.

I have tried everything including application loader and can NOT get it to connect/upload properly.

I still have no solution for the problem. I have done the following since my last post here:

* Reinstalled Xcode

* Recreated my developer certificates and provisioning profiles for all my apps

* Tried using Application Loader

Everything with no success.

I am still in contact with support but I feel like they are out of ideas. I got forwared to engineering multiple times now. All information I receive back from them is that my Xcode is trying to upload with my free developer account. However I can not confirm that on my side and are not able to solve any of it. I followed all suggestions from support but unfortunately without any success.

I created a bug report now because I do fear this is a bug in iTunes Connect or Xcode somewhere.

Please do not ask for updates on my side all the time. I promise I am going to let you know in case I find a solution.

I tried *every* possible solution. It doesn't work. Application Loader won't log in either. When I try to log in with AL, it gives a strange error "unable to process authenticateWithArguments request at this time due to a general error".

I'm trying to stay calm but I am really, really frustrated.

I submitted this issue as a bug to Apple. They asked me to create a logfile for this issue when I try to upload. You can generate the log file with these instructions they gave me:

  • Please launch Xcode from Terminal like so: /path/to/
  • Reproduce the issue.
  • Then find a line in Xcode’s Terminal output referring to an xcdistributionlogs bundle.

I found this at the end of the verbose logfile which does match the error I see when I try to upload with Application Loader:

2018-01-03 22:36:31 +0000  iTunes Connect request for store configuration response: <ITunesSoftwareServiceConfigurationResponse: 0x7fbd2204d8d0> errors:
    "Error Domain=ITunesConnectionOperationErrorDomain Code=1612 \"Unable to lookup generic settings for submission at this time due to a general error\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Unable to lookup generic settings for submission at this time due to a general error, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to lookup generic settings for submission at this time due to a general error, NSLocalizedFailureReason=iTunes Store operation failed.}"
2018-01-03 22:36:31 +0000  iTunes Connect team IDs for account XXXXXXXXX are (null)

Can anyone with the same issue confirm this is showing up in you logs too? Just to be sure we are talking about the same issue.

Getting the same for 2 days going now. I am using 2FA as well.

I removed 2FA and still can't log in to Application Loader or upload via Xcode to iTunesConnect. ⚠

I'm having this issue and have been since the iTunes Connect holiday shut down.
I've tried:
- Logging out and back in

- Restarting Xcode

- Updating information in iTunes Connect

- Restarting my Mac

- Re-installing Xcode

None of those work. I also can't log into Application Loader on one machine.

The only thing I have done that worked is to create another admin user on my iTunes Connect account and logged into Xcode with that. That let me upload. This is only a workaround and for £99 a year I do not expect to have to do this. Shocking quality output from Apple of late.

Same problem here, tried deleting account and restoring. Tried restarting Xcode. Ttried restarting Macbook.

Been suffering from this problem as well, for weeks.

The work-around mentioned by above, worked for me. I created a new email address with google, and a new Apple ID, added them to my development team and gave them the App Manager role. I removed my current account from Xcode and added the new one, and manually set up the provisioning to use the profiles for my other (paid developer) account that couldn't upload apps. Rediculous, but it's functional at least.

Restaring xCode fix the problem for me !

No iTunes Connect access for the team