No iTunes Connect access for the team

When trying to upload an archive to the store from the Organizer window, I get the message in the title.

I just upgraded from xcode 9 beta to the GM seed. It worked before that. Note that I had the same issue with the beta version initially but the issue resolved magically after talking with support that couldn't help me.

I have already tried multiple times to remove/add my itunes account. Also tried to revoke certificates to regenerate new ones.

Might even be a caching issue?

Thankful for any help.🙂

Any official fix for this?, I have been in contact with appe and they requested some Xcode log files I sent and they have not been back to me.

I have tried the xcode and laptop restart, delete/add account, even uninstalled and installed Xcode again with no luck, i'ts been 2 weeks and still can't upload binaries 😠.

I also can't use Application Loader as I keep getting "Unable to process authenticateWithArguments request at this time due to a general error"

My story is exactly the same. Still no solution since weeks. I created a bug report. Maybe you want to do this too to increase importance for Apple. In case you want to reference my bug report, this is my bug report ID: 36233215

New information from my side of talking to Apple support:

* Apple is aware of the issue

* They know multiple users are affected

* They are working on it

* They do not want to give any ETA for a fix

Hopefully this will not take too long.

Same issue here. I feel like I've tried everything on my end. I did notice that if I visit iTunes Connect > Users and Roles > Click on Apple ID > Then "Testing Profile" it goes to a dead link. Not sure if that is a related issue but I sure hope this is resolved soon. Thanks for the update.


Update: Filed a bug report. Got a response that the issue should now be resolved. I can once again upload apps. 🙂

I upgraded to macOS 10.13.3 yesterday evening. Tried to upload right after that with success. The issue seems resolved for me now! I am not sure what did the trick though:

* Did they fix it in the backend?

* Did macOS 10.13.3 fix it?

* Did the reboot fix it for me this time? (Did not work before though)

However I am happy it works now!

Apple Support responded to me. They have found the problem on their side and have fixed it. Works now.

Tried all of the above as well.

None working.

Xcode 9.2 and 9.3 beta

for me just quite the xcode after deleting all expiered certificates and reopen xcode project,,, then clean and build again... then working fine...

Whenever I encounter this issue in Organizer, I just use the Application Loader instead which never fails to work.

So I may have overlooked someone else mentioning this, but it was solved for me by choosing "Generic iOS device" as the build device. I was previously using the iPhone connected to the machine to test. I believe XCode historically gave a warning if this was a problem. Now, it presents as an iTunes Connect issue. Hope this helps someone else!

Very Good!

I've read this whole thread and everywhere else on the internet trying everything suggested. Restarting xcode, deleting folders, even downloading Xcode 8. And still get the same error with my account and re-creating the account associated with the Apple ID. And using App Password in App Launcher (fails to log in).

From the views on this post...clearly this is a big issue...

Any other suggestions?

But i am tring it. It showing me again that error.

I'm having the same issue. I put a ticket in with Apple support...they replied that they should get to me tomorrow...awesome. Anyway I followed the instructions in your post just to see if I was getting the same and I seem to have a different issue - I am posting the entire log but going through it, it seems :

DVTPortal: Service '<DVTPortalViewDeveloperService: 0x7ff6056103a0; action='viewDeveloper'>' encountered an unexpected result code from the portal ('1100')

2018-05-04 12:46:10.961 Xcode[67026:30975524] DVTPortal: Error:

Error Domain=DVTPortalServiceErrorDomain Code=1100 "Your session has expired. Please log in." UserInfo={payload=<CFBasicHash 0x7ff606593f00 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 9,

entries =>

0 : responseId = <CFString 0x7ff606e41e50 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "d7729402-1f38-43fd-8175-6d54cd04136e"}

2 : <CFString 0x7fff9ea11b58 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "protocolVersion"} = QH65B2

3 : <CFString 0x7ff6050416a0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "requestUrl"} = <CFString 0x7ff6065a2ee0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "https:/

6 : <CFString 0x7ff6036dfad0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "userLocale"} = en_US

8 : resultCode = <CFNumber 0x44c37 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{value = +1100, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}

9 : userString = <CFString 0x7ff606b34df0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "Your session has expired. Please log in."} 😟

10 : <CFString 0x7ff6056553c0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "resultString"} = <CFString 0x7ff606e0eb10 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "authentication.failed"} 😟

11 : httpCode = <CFNumber 0xc837 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{value = +200, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}

12 : <CFString 0x7ff60658c600 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "creationTimestamp"} = <CFString 0x7ff606b18100 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "2018-05-04T16:46:10Z"}


, NSLocalizedDescription=Your session has expired. Please log in.}

2018-05-04 12:46:10.964 Xcode[67026:30975525] IDEDistribution: Failed to log in with account 'xxxxxxxxxxx while checking for an iTunes Connect account 😟

2018-05-04 12:46:10.969 Xcode[67026:30975154] Could not find image named 'ActionTemplate_Gear'.

2018-05-04 12:46:51.378 Xcode[67026:30975390] DVTPortal: Service '<DVTPortalViewDeveloperService: 0x7ff5ffc0cc30; action='viewDeveloper'>' encountered an unexpected result code from the portal ('1100')

2018-05-04 12:46:51.379 Xcode[67026:30975390] DVTPortal: Error:

Error Domain=DVTPortalServiceErrorDomain Code=1100 "Your session has expired. Please log in." UserInfo={payload=<CFBasicHash 0x7ff6046f8b40 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 9, 😟

entries =>

0 : responseId = <CFString 0x7ff606228120 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "b889550f-5632-4cbf-b7c5-1192d29e6b58"}

2 : <CFString 0x7fff9ea11b58 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "protocolVersion"} = QH65B2

3 : <CFString 0x7ff5fe9e3f70 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "requestUrl"} = <CFString 0x7ff6046f7840 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "https:/

6 : <CFString 0x7ff5fe9e8090 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "userLocale"} = en_US

8 : resultCode = <CFNumber 0x44c37 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{value = +1100, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}

9 : userString = <CFString 0x7ff5fb44e9f0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "Your session has expired. Please log in."} 😟

10 : <CFString 0x7ff6053f7060 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "resultString"} = <CFString 0x7ff5fe96f7a0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "authentication.failed"} 😟

11 : httpCode = <CFNumber 0xc837 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{value = +200, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}

12 : <CFString 0x7ff602c62da0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "creationTimestamp"} = <CFString 0x7ff60519e3c0 [0x7fff9eaeeaf0]>{contents = "2018-05-04T16:46:51Z"}


, NSLocalizedDescription=Your session has expired. Please log in.}

2018-05-04 12:46:51.394 Xcode[67026:30975154] Could not find image named 'NSImage'.

2018-05-04 12:46:51.399 Xcode[67026:30975154] Failed to connect (privacyToForgot) outlet from (AKSignInPromptController) to (NSLayoutConstraint): missing setter or instance variable

2018-05-04 12:46:51.399 Xcode[67026:30975154] Failed to connect (usernameToPrivacy) outlet from (AKSignInPromptController) to (NSLayoutConstraint): missing setter or instance variable

2018-05-04 12:46:51.399 Xcode[67026:30975154] awakeFromNib called

2018-05-04 12:46:51.407 Xcode[67026:30975154] awakeFromNib called

2018-05-04 12:46:59.875 Xcode[67026:30975154] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/

Details: Failed to save credentials in keychain for user xxxxxxxxxxxxx: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named}😟

Object: <DVTAppleIDBasedDeveloperAccount: 0x7ff602b3d040>

Method: -reauthenticateUsingHostWindow:callback:

Thread: <NSThread: 0x7ff5f9506fe0>{number = 1, name = main}

Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.😕

thank you very much, this is work for me.

Have been in contact with the Apple support and their response was basically worthless. I have got a very similar log output to @funkenstrahlen "iTunes Connect team IDs for account XXXXXXXXX are (null)" but they didn't even bother to look at it.

The ony solution that worked for me was creating a new apple ID and adding it to my iTunes Connect Team. Hopefully this doesn't repeat or Apple tries to fix this soon as its quite annoying.

Worked first time!

Just in case some else comes trying to find an answer, this worked for me

Same behavior, when trying to upload to appstore organizer tells me "No iTunes Connect access for the team", I tried to upload app from Application Loader, but I was not able to access Application Loader app with the right credentials, it was telling me an issue about SSL, and since I am on company network, for some reason I am no longer able to reach itunes from it, I used my device as hotspot and the upload was without any issues.

Apple should be saying a more descriptive message "Not able to stablish network connection for upload" or something like that, to let devs know that the internet connection may be blocked by the proxy.

Hope this helps someone.

This issue has happened to me several times now and I have opened a ticket with Apple twice and in both cases, about 24 hours has passed after opening the ticket, and they send me an email asking for more documentation of the error (all normal), and then when I have started to put together the information they want, the problem has suddenly dissappears with no changes on my end!

This is extremely frustrating because I have lost about 4 hours of work trying to resolve the issue each time, but it's clearly not something on my end. I am convinced now that this issue is definitely on Apple's side.

Apple needs to address this ASAP!

This worked for me also. Please mark as correct answer

I am still having this issue. I just did a fresh reinstall of my OS (10.13.6) thinking it might have been something that was corrupt on my computer, but no dice. This has been plaging my account for the last 3 weeks. Haven't been able to upload anything!!

No work anymore, What happened to Apple support team?

Just restart Xcode.

No iTunes Connect access for the team